Example that demonstrate WebSocket programming with Autobahn|Python on Twisted.
Fork from the twisted-native objects demo:
These codes are a good starting point for own apps.
###Setup Prepare the virtualenv:
virtualenv venv
Switch to the virtualenv:
. venv/bin/activate
System level requirements:
pip install libssl-dev
pip install libffi-dev
Install deps
pip install autobahn
pip install twisted
pip install pyOpenSSL
pip install service_identity
pip install crossbar
Download code examples for frontend and backend:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/crossbario/autobahn-python/master/examples/twisted/wamp/overview/backend.py
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/crossbario/autobahn-python/master/examples/twisted/wamp/overview/frontend.py
Change the AUTOBAHN_DEMO_ROUTER url (by default it is ws://localhost:8080/ws)
export AUTOBAHN_DEMO_ROUTER="wss://demo.crossbar.io/ws"
###Running the examples
Open three terminal sessions:
Running the router
crossbar init
crossbar start
Running the backend
python backend.py
Running the frontend
python frontend.py
When I run
python backend.py
This error message appears
2016-10-11T15:03:29+0000 wamp.error.no_such_realm: no realm "crossbardemo" exists on this router
^C2016-10-11T15:03:35+0000 Received SIGINT, shutting down.
The name of the realm in crossbar_demo/.crossbar/config.json
must be the same in the backend.py and frontend.py files (here it is "realm1").
if __name__ == '__main__':
runner = ApplicationRunner(
environ.get("AUTOBAHN_DEMO_ROUTER", u"ws://"),
# u"crossbardemo",