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David Megginson edited this page Jun 30, 2020 · 3 revisions

A JSON spec encodes all of the instructions for processing HXL data in a single JSON object tree. Here is a simple example:

    "input": "",
    "recipe": [
            "filter": "with_rows",
            "queries": "#org=unicef"
            "filter": "count",
            "tags": "#adm1+name"

This spec will load a HXL-hashtagged dataset from the fictitious URL "", apply a row filter, then apply a count filter.

Top-level properties

The top-level spec object has the following properties (only input is required):

  • input: the input source, which may be a URL, local filename, or nested JSON spec.
  • allow_local: if 1 (true), allow local filenames (default is 0/false).
  • sheet_index: the zero-based index of a sheet in an Excel workbook (default is to use the first sheet with HXL hashtags, or if none has HXL hashtags, the first sheet in the workbook).
  • timeout: the number of seconds to wait before timing out an HTTP connection
  • verify_ssl: if 0 (false), do not verify SSL certificates; this can be useful for working with self-signed certs. The default is 1/true.
  • http_headers: a list of HTTP header/value pairs, e.g. for authorization.
  • encoding: the input character encoding to use (default is the encoding returned with an HTTP response, or "utf-8").
  • tagger: a spec for adding HXL hashtags to non-tagged data (see below).
  • recipe: a list of HXL filters to apply to the data (see below).

The tagger section

The value of the top-level tagger property is a JSON object specifying how to apply HXL hashtags to a non-hashtagged dataset. Here is a simple example:

"tagger": {
    "match_all": true,
    "specs": {
        "country": "#country+name",
        "iso3": "#country+code",
        "cluster": "#section+cluster",
        "organisation": "#org"


  • match_all: if 1 (true), require that the entire text header match.
  • specs: a JSON object where each property name is a string to match against text headers in the dataset (case- and whitespace-insensitive), and the property value is the HXL hashtag and attributes to add. If match_all is true, then the entire header must match after case and space normalisation; otherwise, the string simply must appear somewhere in the header.

The recipe section

The value of the top-level recipe property is a list of JSON objects, each configuring a HXL filter to apply to the data, in the order specified. Here is a simple example:

"recipe": [
        "filter": "sort"

In this case, there are no extra properties, so the filter will simply do a default sort on the data. Most filters include (or require) additional properties in their configuration objects. Here is a more-complex example of a single filter in a recipe:

    "filter": "clean",
    "date": "#date+start",
    "date_format": "%Y-%m"

The filter property is the only required one. See each filter's wiki page for more information about the properties that it supports (additional required properties in bold):

filter property Filter Additional properties
add_columns Add columns filter specs, before
append Append datasets filter append_sources, add_columns, queries
append_external_list Append datasets filter (external list) source_list_url, add_columns, queries
cache Cache filter max_rows
clean_data Clean data filter whitespace, upper, lower, date, date_format, number, number_format, latlon, purge, queries
count Count rows filter patterns, aggregators, queries
dedup Deduplicate rows filter patterns, queries
expand_lists Expand lists filter patterns, separator, correlate, queries
explode Explode data filter header_attribute, value_attribute
fill_data Fill data filter patterns, queries
implode Implode data filter label_pattern, value_pattern
jsonpath JSONPath filter path, patterns, queries
merge_data Merge columns filter merge_source, keys, tags, replace, overwrite, queries
rename_columns Rename columns filter specs
replace_data Replace data filter original, replacement, pattern, use_regex, queries
replace_data_map Replace data filter (external map) map_source, queries
sort Sort rows filter keys, reverse
with_columns Cut columns filter includes
with_rows Select rows filter queries, mask
without_columns Cut columns filter excludes, skip_untagged
without_rows Select rows filter queries, mask