A note about 1.1 and newer versions of Luma3DS
Due to how Luma3DS Updater checks for updates, it always downloads the first available file of the newest release.. which, since Luma3DS v5.3, happened to be the dev build. I am mortified for anyone who got in trouble (eShop bans and the likes) because of this1, I never predicted the possibility of two types of builds being released at once.
What's new
- Support for multiple types of release (which, as of 5.4, means standard and developer).
- Support for astronautlevel's hourlies2
- Automatic payload name migration (like sel_NAME.bin → select_NAME.bin) for versions up to 5.4
- Support for restoring .bak backups (useful for recovering from bugged hourlies or unstable builds)
Release name inspired by @dril
EDIT: Reploaded due to some memory issues when compiled with optimization maxed.
1. Not knowing about the risks of using the dev version myself I didn't give this bug much importance (just mentioned it on a comment on Reddit), so my sincere thanks to /u/pj931 for making a proper PSA.
2. As astronautlevel's hourlies don't have any special tag in the payload itself, Luma3DS Updater can't detect what specific hourly you have installed, but only the official version closest to it