Another free MongoDB schema analyser based on PyMongo and wxPython. Fast and Effective by using MongoDB MapReduce to analyse collection schema, simple yet powerful.
Author: HanseyLee
Using Python 3.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python
Also, you can package it as a executive program using pyinstaller.
After starting, two steps for operation:
Several required fields:
- Fill MongoDB uri and click Connect button to connect MongoDB deployment. MongoDB uri, refer to .
- Fill database name and collection name to switch to specific collection.
After connect and switch to specific collection, there are several optional fields before analyse schema.
- Query -> MongoDB query document to filter input to analyse. e.g. {"keyName": {"$in": ["key1", "key2"]}}, {"keyName": {"$exists": True}}(Note: PyMonSchema use Python Method "eval()" to deserialize query string, so use 'True'/'False' if query string contains bool value)
- Order -> Positive/Negative, used in sort document, order=Positive equivalent to sort("_id":1), order=Negative equivalent to sort("_id":-1).
- Limit -> Int, limit value of query result. Empty default is 0, which means no limit.
- Omit_keys -> Fields string to be omitted, sperate by comma. such as: keyName1, keyName2 .
- Omit_patterns -> Fileds match these regular expression patterns will be omitted, sperate by comma. such as: ^keyNameHead, keyNameTail$ .
- Embed-keys -> Whether to analyse embed-key (e.g. keyNameParent.keyNameChild1.keyNameChild2) or not.
- Analyse -> Run analyse.
Display schema result.
- Save button -> save the result as a json file named databaseName_collectionName-Schema.json default. The output json file like this:
[ { "key": "_id", "total_occurrence": 15.0, "statics": [ { "type": "ObjectId", "occurrence": 15.0, "percent": 100.0 } ] }, { "key": "hello", "total_occurrence": 9.0, "statics": [ { "type": "Int32", "occurrence": 1.0, "percent": 6.666666666666667 }, { "type": "String", "occurrence": 8.0, "percent": 53.333333333333336 } ] }, ... ]
welcome to contribute your code to improve this poor tool :P