Be notified of upcoming assignments from Schoology every morning.
Go to and click "login". Aprove access. That's it! Now you will recieve an email every morning. You can explore the hub too.
How to use migrations
- Install requirements with
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
. - Make change to
- Locally run
flask db migrate
. This will make a migration file with the code required to update the database. flask db upgrade
- upgrades the local dbgit commit
heroku run flask db upgrade
- upgrades heroku's database
How to use the selenium addition 1.
from selFunc import getCourses
getCourses("<username>", "<password>")
- This will return a list with the course ids
How to use the new database Comms:
'''Make a user'''
new_user = User(username=<String username>, discId=<int id>, courses="")
db.session.add(new_user) #adds the user to the session
db.session.commit() #makes changes final, can't rollback due to free db
'''Delete a user'''
del_user = User.query.get(1) #gets user with id 1
#del_user should be the user you want to delete
'''Get all users'''
'''Get user by id'''
User.query.get(<int id>)
'''Get user by username'''
'''Get user courses'''
'''Update courses''''NEW COURSES'
How to send email to all users
- Go to /email_ver
- enter pw
- Email sent