This repository contains supplementary code for the paper Predictive Machine Learning of Objective Boundaries for Solving COPs
Solving Constraint Optimization Problems (COPs) can be dramatically simplified by boundary estimation, that is, providing tight boundaries of cost functions. By feeding a supervised Machine Learning (ML) model with data composed of known boundaries and extracted features of COPs, it is possible to train the model to estimate boundaries of a new COP instance. In this paper, we first give an overview of the existing body of knowledge on ML for Constraint Programming (CP) which learns from problem instances. Second, we introduce a boundary estimation framework that is applied as a tool to support a CP solver. Within this framework, different ML models are discussed and evaluated regarding their suitability for boundary estimation, and countermeasures to avoid unfeasible estimations that avoid the solver to find an optimal solution are shown. Third, we present an experimental study with distinct CP solvers on seven COPs. Our results show that near-optimal boundaries can be learned for these COPs with only little overhead and that these estimated boundaries can help the solver to find near-optimal solutions early during search.
Main script for training and evaluating the machine learning models. It also supports the generation of scripts to run the solvers with the estimated boundaries.
$ python --help
Using TensorFlow backend.
usage: [-h]
[-est {network,networka,knn,forest,gp,bayridge,ridge,svm,linear,xgb,xgba}]
[-o {1,2}] [-e ENSEMBLE]
[-em {extreme,average,median,leaveoneout}] [-i ITER] [-v]
[-af ADJUSTMENT] [-l {mse,mae,linex,shiftedmse,peann}]
[-lf LOSS_FACTOR] [-f] [--grid-search]
[--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX] [-val]
[-s {all,chuffed,gecode,cbc,cplex,ortools,choco,sunnycp}]
[--validation-file VALIDATION_FILE] [-of OUTPUT_STATS]
[-op OUTPUT_PREDICTIONS] [--smallfeat] [-scaled]
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-est {network,networka,knn,forest,gp,bayridge,ridge,svm,linear,xgb,xgba}, --estimator {network,networka,knn,forest,gp,bayridge,ridge,svm,linear,xgb,xgba}
-o {1,2}, --outputs {1,2}
-e ENSEMBLE, --ensemble ENSEMBLE
-em {extreme,average,median,leaveoneout}, --ensemble-mode {extreme,average,median,leaveoneout}
-i ITER, --iter ITER
-v, --verbose increase output verbosity
-l {mse,mae,linex,shiftedmse,peann}, --loss-fn {mse,mae,linex,shiftedmse,peann}
-lf LOSS_FACTOR, --loss-factor LOSS_FACTOR
Asymmetry factor (only for linex/shiftedmse/peann
-f, --force-new Overwrites any existing model
--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
-val, --validate
-s {all,chuffed,gecode,cbc,cplex,ortools,choco,sunnycp}, --solver {all,chuffed,gecode,cbc,cplex,ortools,choco,sunnycp}
If given, these solvers are used for validation of
estimated boundaries.
--validation-file VALIDATION_FILE
File to store the validation commands, if a solver is
to be used.
-of OUTPUT_STATS, --output-stats OUTPUT_STATS
File to store statistics about the trained estimator.
File to store predictions on validation instances.
-scaled, --scaled-prediction
Predict the objective in relation to the instance's
domain bounds and scale back to ints
Running a solver + model with given boundaries.
$ python --help
usage: [-h] [-lb LOWERBOUND] [-ub UPPERBOUND]
[-s {all,chuffed,gecode,cbc,cplex,ortools,choco,sunnycp}]
[-t TIMEOUT] [-f] [--no-timeout] [-ds DATASET]
[--output OUTPUT] [--pymzn]
problem dzn
positional arguments:
problem Problem name or path to minizinc model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s {all,chuffed,gecode,cbc,cplex,ortools,choco,sunnycp}, --solver {all,chuffed,gecode,cbc,cplex,ortools,choco,sunnycp}
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
-f, --free Free search (if supported by solver)
-ds DATASET, --dataset DATASET
--output OUTPUT
There is also
which prepares multiple calls for use in a batch processing environment.
: Feature extraction from MiniZinc instances for
: Generation of figures and tables from log
: Implementation of machine learning models and custom
: Neural network
: Custom losses and functions for neural networks in keras
Create a new Python 3.6 (others might work, too) environment and install the requirements, e.g. via
pip install -r requirements.txt
To embed objective boundaries during search a modified version of the MiniZinc models is required and available here: This could be automated, but it is left as an exercise for future work.
All of our code is licensed under MIT License. Third-party code remains under its original license.