This code uses the output file achieved from simulation of INO-ICAL detector using Geant4. Refer for more details on simulation. The output files are of four types such as mu+_up, mu-_up, mu+_down, mu-_down. Where,
- ical_output_mu+_up_10GeV_nt_ical_data.csv is generated by shooting a mu+ particle from top of the detector in negative z-direction having energy 10GeV
- ical_output_mu-_up_10GeV_nt_ical_data.csv is generated by shooting a mu- particle from top of the detector in negative z-direction having energy 10GeV
- ical_output_mu+_down_10GeV_nt_ical_data.csv is generated by shooting a mu+ particle from bottom of the detector in positive z-direction having energy 10GeV
- ical_output_mu-_down_10GeV_nt_ical_data.csv is generated by shooting a mu- particle from bottom of the detector in positive z-direction having energy 10GeV
All the input files are concatenated, digitized, labelled and then graph data structure is formed under the section graph.ipynb. Refer for more details on concatenation, digitization and labelling.
In our construted graph;
- Node feature = digitized hit coordinates
- Edge feature = time difference between two hits
The graphs are labelled as 0, 1, 2 and 3 i.e number of classes are four. Where,
- 0 = mu+ moving in negative z- direction
- 1 = mu- moving in negative z- direction
- 2 = mu+ moving in positive z- direction
- 3 = mu- moving in positive z- direction
The zip files are generated to create a muon classification dataset to which GNN will be applied for further analysis. The zip files contain graphs named as graph_0_1.dgl and so on, where 0 refers to the graphID and 1 refers to energy of the incident muon.