CV builder is a web application built using Java and Spring Boot, designed to empower users in creating and managing their professional resumes effortlessly. This RESTful API-driven platform allows users to input their personal and professional details, and generating PDF resumes on-demand.
Technology stack: Java, Spring, Spring JPA, H2 database, Spring MVC, thymeleaf, itext pdf.
- /CV/create - PUT method with request body as json file. Creates CV in database.
- /CV/{id} - GET method which returns json file with CV, if CV is not in DataBase method will return Http status NO_CONTENT.
- /CV/{id}/personal/ GET method to return personal json file from given CV id.
- /CV/{id}/personal/createPOST method which updated personal info from given CV id.
- /CV/{id}/personal/update POST method used to update personal information with personalInfo json file in request body.
- /CV/{id}/contacme/ GET method to return contactMe json file from given CV id.
- /CV/{id}/contacme/savePOST method which updated contactMe info from given CV id.
- /CV/{id}/contacme/update POST method used to update contactMe information with personalInfo json file in request body.
- /CV/{id}/education/ GET all education fields from given CV id.
- /CV/{id}/education/{educationId} GET education field from given CV id with education id.
- /CV/{id}/education/add POST add education field to CV database.
- /CV/{id}/education/{educationId}/update POST update education field to CV database with education as request body.
- /CV/{id}/education/{educationId}/delete POST delete education field.
- Experience fields endpoints are the same as education fields, replace education with experience