Currency Converter is a simple Android application that allows users to convert currencies and view details about specific currencies. This application utilizes the CurrencyAPI to fetch currency exchange rates and currency details.
- Convert currencies: Enter an amount in one currency and select another currency to see the converted amount.
- View currency details: Explore detailed information about various currencies, including symbols, names, decimal digits, rounding, codes, plurals, types, and supported countries.
- Simple and intuitive interface: The app offers a user-friendly interface for easy navigation and interaction.
- Clone or download the repository
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Build and run the app on an Android emulator or a physical device.
- Upon launching the app, you'll see a currency converter interface.
- Select the base currency and target currency from the dropdown menus.
- Enter the amount you want to convert in the provided field.
- Click the "Convert" button to see the converted amount.
- To view detailed information about a currency, click the "Show Details" button.
- To navigate back from the currency details screen, click the "Back" button.