A basic chrome extension that can answer questions using ChatGPT's latest API.
Try the live extension here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ask-gpt/ihenjheffdoojicaemilfcdcjglimpme
Make sure to get an API key from https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys
Replace ENTER_API_KEY_HERE" with your API key in popup.js
Download the latest release or clone the git repository by using "git clone https://github.com/HumboldtK/ChatGPT-Chrome-Extension.git"
Replace ENTER_API_KEY_HERE" with your API key in popup.js
Go to chrome://extensions in your Google Chrome browser or edge://extensions/ for Edge browser
Check the Developer mode checkbox in the top right-hand corner
Click "Load Unpacked" and select the ChatGPT-Chrome-Extension directory.
You'll then see "ChatBotGPT" in your extentions.
Make sure to pin it for easy access.