Hello folks,
Welcome to Unnati3.0's Website Repo.
This is React Tailwind CSS project
We've made this website open source so that you guys can begin your journey towards Open Source Contributions.
To Run this file locally, follow the instrictions that follows :
Star the Website using the star icon above.
Fork the website using the fork button.
3.Click on thr green button and copy the link to the repository and run the following command on the command line : git clone "link"
or alternatively directly paste the command "git clone https://github.com/I-E-Cell/Unnati3.0.git" on the command line
Run the following commands on the command line to setup the project locally:
- npm install
- npm run dev
You will be able to then run the website locally and make changes according to your own wish.
Show your creativity and do tag I&E Cell, AIT on LinkedIN to let us know about your work.
How to Contribute :
1.Create an issue. Issue can be a bug report or a feature.
2. Make changes and push them.
To push changes, run the folowing commands on command line:
* git init
* git add .
* git commit -m "some message"
* git push -u origin main
3. Make a pull request.
4. Wait for it for getting merged.
Happy Contributing 🌟✨
~WEBdev Team
~I&E Cell, AIT Pune
Link to figma design of the Website : https://www.figma.com/file/b1bmjtlI73kNamVaemkZtY/UNNATI-3.0-Website-design?type=design&node-id=0-1&mode=design&t=93pB3Y27zfMh3lpD-0