This project is a React application for customizing the blog page through an opening panel. The project is built using TypeScript and Storybook.
The application is deployed at:
To install the project, follow these steps:
- To run Storybook, execute the following command:
npm run storybook
- To run the style linter, execute the following command:
npm run stylelint
- To run the formatter, execute the following command:
npm run format
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Start the application:
npm start
- When you click on the “arrow”, a sidebar with settings opens; when you click again or click outside, the sidebar closes.
- When changing settings in the sidebar, they are not applied immediately.
- After clicking “apply” the styles are applied to the article.
- When you click “reset,” the settings in the form are reset to the initial ones that were when the page was opened, and the styles are applied to the article.
- Settings are set through CSS variables, which are already in the styles and are set to default values in the code.