The objective is to develop an attendance tracking app which uses QR code mechanisms, erving as a precursor to a broader concept.
- Students signup/signin to their page to generate thier unique QR code.
- Students can scan this QR code to record their attendance.
- Students can also view their attendance details.
- Students can also view their profile.
- Teachers signup/signin to their respective pages.
- Teahers can create courses (ex: S1 CSE AI).
- Teachers can create Class (subject) in each course. (ex: C programming in S1 CSE AI).
- Teachers can create Hour in each Class. (ex: Hour 1 in C programming in S1 CSE AI).
- Once the Hours are created, Teachers can click on 'Scan QR' button of each Hour, to scan the Hour's respective Attendance.
- Teachers can click on the respective Hours to generate attendance details of that particular Hour.
- This attendance report can be downloaded if needed.
- Teachers can also view their respective profile page.
Integration of the scanner system (multiple scanners) to each classroom, so that students can scan their attendance quickly and efficiently. This data will then be stored in a centralised system.