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Deduplicate EHR notes for downstream tasks

This repository contains research code to analyze the impact of text redundancy on four common early prediction tasks in the clinical scenario, including in-hospital mortality, remaining hospital length-of-stay (LOS), discharged diagnostic-related group (DRG), and 30-day hospital readmission predictions.

0. Setup

The code is based on python 3.6.9, though higher versions should be compatible as well. Main packages required to reproduce the results include:

  • pandas==1.1.4
  • torch==1.4.0
  • pytorch-lightning==1.3.8

A complete list of packages can be found in requirements.txt to create a virtual environment.

1. Prepare data

1.1 Cohort extraction

Run the sql files on BigQuery to obtain the raw cohorts for the four examined tasks. This requires credential approved for accessing the MIMIC-III database. Then one can query the database following steps described here and here. Then save the queried results in csv format and put under the same folder. For example, run cohort-mort.sql on BigQuery and then save the output as cohort-mort.csv in data/cohorts.

1.2 Note preparation

Run as below to extract notes for the cohorts, which will also perform extra filtering of cohorts (i.e., removing stays w/o any written notes). This requires NOTEEVENTS.csv.gz be downloaded.

cd data/


1.3 Word embedding

In this work we leveraged the BioWordVec word embeddings. If you'd like to do the same, download the embedding from their repo and run below

nice python --pretrained_embed_dir $PATH_TO_BIOWORD_VEC 

2. Text deduplication

Here we prepared deduplicated versions of input as a separate step to enable faster modeling iterations, but it is also possible to skip this step and perform deduplication on the fly.

nice python --n_jobs $NUM_OF_PROCESS --TEXT_DEDUP_DIR data/text_cohorts_dedup

3. Hyperparameter tuning

To compare the impact of different input settings as fairly as possible, we tuned the hyper parameters for the CNN-based medium and full-context models, as described in the paper. Here is a sample code to run our tuning experiments, which relies on ray[tune]:

python \
    --device '4' \
    --max_length 2500 \
    --max_note_length 1000 \
    --MODEL_TYPE w2v \
    --batch_size 16 \
    --gpus_per_trial 0.25 \
    --num_samples 50 \
    --TASK mort \
    --INPUT_TYPE original \
    --OUTPUT_DIR runs/best_configs/flat

Tuning for all task-input-model trios is a time-consuming process. Here we release the best hyperparameter configuration for each setting in the folder best_configs hosted on gdrive.

4. Training and evaluation

New models can be trained and evaluated using command like:

python --do_train --do_eval --TASK los --INPUT_TYPE dedupCont --MODEL_TYPE hier

We also release the best checkpoints we used to report results for each experiment in our paper, which can be found in ckpt on gdrive. Then can be used for evaluation by running command like:

# input: original; task: mortality; model: full context
python --do_eval --TASK mort --INPUT_TYPE original --MODEL_TYPE hier --from_ckpt ckpt/full-hier-cnn/mort_nodedup_hier_1000doc40_0.852/

# input: dedupCont; task: drg; model: medium context
python --do_eval --TASK drg --INPUT_TYPE dedupCont --MODEL_TYPE w2v --from_ckpt ckpt/medium-flat-cnn/drg_lineset_w2v_2500_0.359/

# input: dedupNote; task: readm; model: short context
python --do_eval --TASK readm --INPUT_TYPE dedupNote --MODEL_TYPE bert --from_ckpt ckpt/short-bert/readm_jnote05_bert_2500_0.629/


We would like to thank the people and communities that released the code/packages or created the resources we used in this repository.


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