Releases: JKorf/Binance.Net
Releases · JKorf/Binance.Net
Version 10.15.0
- Updated CryptoExchange.Net to version 8.5.0, see
- Added SetOptions methods on Rest and Socket clients
- Added setting of DefaultProxyCredentials to CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials on the DI http client
- Improved websocket disconnect detection
- Set Symbol on Spot and UsdFutures socket ExchangeData.GetOrderBookAsync response
Version 10.14.0
- Added initial Agent endpoints
- Added onUserDataStreamTerminated and onBalanceLockUpdate updates to socketClient.SpotApi.SubscribeUserDataUpdatesAsync
- Added IsLiquidationOrder, IsAdlAutoCloseOrder and IsSettlementOrder helper properties to BinanceFuturesOrder model
- Added PreMarket handling to PermissionType enum
- Split AccountType enum into AccountType and PermissionType
- Changed restClient.UsdFuturesApi.Trading.GetOrdersAsync symbol parameter to be optional
Version 10.13.2
- Updated CryptoExchange.Net to version 8.4.4 to fix deserialization error in .net framework
Version 10.13.1
- Fixed null exception caused by invalid key for copy trading
- Fixed BinanceSubAccountTransferSubAccount model deserialization
Version 10.13.0
- Updated client order id logic
- Added AllowAppendingClientOrderId option
- Added listClientOrderId parameter to restClient.SpotApi.Trading.PlaceOcoOrderListAsync
- Removed BrokerId option
- Fixed restClient.GeneralApi.SimpleEarn.GetLockedProductPositionsAsync deserialization
- Fixed orderbook creation via BinanceOrderBookFactory
Version 10.12.0
- Updated CryptoExchange.Net to version 8.4.0, see
- Added GetFeesAsync Shared REST client implementations
- Updated BinanceOptions to LibraryOptions implementation
- Updated test and analyzer package versions
Version 10.11.0
- Added WithdrawInternalMin to restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetUserAssetsAsync response model
- Added EnableFixApiTrade and EnableFixReadOnly to restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetAPIKeyPermissionsAsync response model
- Added IsOptionsEnabled and IsPortfolioMarginRetailEnabled to restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetAccountVipLevelAndStatusAsync response model
- Fixed inverted order side for Shared trades
- Removed restClient.SpotApi.Account.GetAutoConvertStableCoinConfigAsync, SetAutoConvertStableCoinConfigAsync and ConvertBusdAsync as theyre deprecated
Version 10.10.0
- Updated CryptoExchange.Net to version 8.3.0
- Added support for loading client settings from IConfiguration
- Added DI registration method for configuring Rest and Socket options at the same time
- Added DisplayName and ImageUrl properties to BinanceExchange class
- Updated client constructors to accept IOptions from DI
- Removed redundant BinanceSocketClient constructor
- Fixed ListenKey property not set on spot websocket account data updates
Version 10.9.2
- Fixed mixed up page and limit parameter on restClient.UsdFuturesApi.Account.GetIncomeHistoryAsync endpoint
Version 10.9.1
- Added page parameter to restClient.UsdFuturesApi.Account.GetIncomeHistoryAsync endpoint