Welcome to BearBnB. A webapp that allows users to request from available spaces, upload your available personal spaces together and manage bookings.
A team project web app created in Week 5 of Makers Academy.
- Ruby
- Sinatra
- PostgresQL
- Bcrypt
- Rspec
- Capybara
Run in terminal
fork this repo
git clone path-to-your-repo
bundle install
Create database
psql BearBnB
Set up Database Tables
sqlcmd -S db/migrations/01_create_users_table.sql
sqlcmd -S db/migrations/02_create_spaces_table.sql
sqlcmd -S db/migrations/03_create_bookings_table.sql
sqlcmd -S db/migrations/04_create_available_spaces_table.sql
visit localhost:9292 on your browser
As a user
So I can request spaces
I would like be able to sign up
As a user
So I can view my listings
I would like to sign in
As a user
So no one can create listings on my account
I would like to be able to sign out
As a user
So that I can see what spaces are available
I would to see a list of spaces
As a user
So I can book a space
I want to be able to request a booking
- Any signed up user can list a space
- Users can list multiple spaces
- Users should be able to name their space, provide a short description of the space and a price for the night
- Users should be able to offer a range of dates when their space is available
- Any signed up user can request to hire any space for a night, and this should be approved by the user who owns the space
- Nights for which a space has already been booked should not be available for users to book that space
- Until a user has confirmed a booking request that space can still be booked for that night