This repository contains the code for the Tut's Weh application, an app that allows children to keep track of pain levels and show their entries to their doctor. This project came into being as pro bono help for a matura project of a student, Valentina Trevissoi, who asked me to implement the app as part of her matura project. Art and pictures are created by her hand. The app is available on the App Store and the Google Play Store.
The app was created using npx expo.
For development, you can install and run the app locally. First install NVM:
curl -o- | bash
Then install nodejs and npm:
nvm install 20
We can then install the application:
cd PainScales
npm install -g expo-cli
npm install
You can then run a server by running:
npx expo start
You can then scan the QR code using the Expo Go app on your phone and try out the app there. For further information about development, I refer to the documentation.