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JaydenN117 authored Jul 12, 2020
1 parent 2726bec commit b4bad14
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Showing 2 changed files with 403 additions and 0 deletions.
111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions BT_RFID_V3.ino
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@

#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> //this i meant for AVR I guess but everyone seems to use the same library on esp32 so not worried
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> //need to switch to hardware serial just installed extra library so code would build
* BT_RFID_V1.ino
* 11/27/2018
* By JaydenN117
* BT_RFID_V3.ino
* Last Updated
* 4/1/2020 *
* Bluetooth RFID reader for cattle tags
* for rfidRW-E-TTL. It uses an arduino nano as
* well as a 4 pin lcd and HC-05
* Important Links
* =============================================
* About rfidRW-E-TTL module
* RFID code is inspired by code here
* Code for reading voltaged inspired by
* Bluetooth tools
* Set pins below
SoftwareSerial Rfid(3,4); //rfidRW-E-TTL software serial
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27 ,16,2);//lcd use tool to get address replace 0x3F with address for your lcd if different
int buzzer = 5; //buzzer pin
int blueLED = 8; //bluetooth led light
int greenLED = 7; // ready led light
int redLED = 6; // scan led light
int btState = 9; //bluetooth state pin //need to remove from code
int vibrate = A1; //vibration motor pin
int battery = A0; //use to detect voltage

* Other things to change based on wand
* time,name, and wands bluetooth pin
* if not configure it is HC_05 with 1234 as pin
String wandNumber = "3";//wand number in rare case of two wands so theres different name
String btName = "BT_RFID_" + wandNumber; //name displayed on lcd wand number follows
String btPin = ""; //pin displayed on lcd
//custom boot lines
String line1 = "BT RFID V3";
String line2 = "";
//Some other things you can configure if necessary
boolean lcdSleepEnabled = true; //set false to keep lcd on
boolean indicators = true; //show bluetooth and battery on screen(really buggy voltage is all over with RFID module and bluetooth is not working quite right
boolean displayVoltage = false; //ahows voltage on lcd
boolean quickBoot = false; //skips fancy startup
boolean bluetoothState = true; // Wand supports bluetooth state
int readings =100; //how many times read to average voltage 1000 more stable 10 updates very frequently
long sleepTime = 30000; // sleep time variable
//other variables controlled by code
boolean clearLCD = true; //lcd clear control during new scan
int state = 0; //bluetooth state value
long previousMillis; //part of sleep timer
char c;
float voltage; //battery voltage
float voltageTotal; // voltage total used in averaging
int voltageReadings = 0; //how times voltage was read
float voltageAverage = -1; //average voltage starts at so program will know to display "?"
void setup() {

start(); //start code

void loop() {
if (bluetoothState){
state = digitalRead(btState); //reads state pin
digitalWrite(blueLED, state); //writes state to LED
voltage = ((analogRead(battery)*5.0)/1024)*2.0; //voltage
voltageTotal+=voltage; //
scan(); //run scan code
if (sleepTimer() && lcdSleepEnabled){ //checks if time is over 30 and lcd sleep is enabled
sleeplcd(); //if true sleep lcd
//no need to write indicators on lcd without backlight on
if (indicators && clearLCD){ //if it is Ok to clearLCD we also know it is not currently printing so I check clearLCD
batteryAndBluetooth(); //show bluetooth and battery information
if (displayVoltage && clearLCD){ //shows voltage
if (voltageReadings>=readings){
voltageAverage = voltageTotal/voltageReadings;
voltageReadings = 0;
voltageTotal = 0;

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