- Mozilla Localizer Documentation - Source
- Ghidul de stil oficial Mozilla România
- Ghid de stil Wordpress
- L10n ce nu trebuie tradus
- L10n greșeli frecvente
- Ghid localizare Ubuntu
- Despre nici o, nici un, nicio, niciun, etc
- Tutorial git - opțional
- scurtături de tastatură pentru Pontoon
- Glosar L10n
- Glosar generic Wordpress
- Glosar specific Wordpress
- Dicționare hallo.ro
- Google translate
- Transvision
- Wordpress translation database
- Amagama FOSS translations
- Linguee - resursă pentru traduceri
- Dicționar Munte Alb - posibil parodie, utilizați cu atenție
- Localizare Microsoft - pentru comparații
- Glosar Ceata, diferă de glosarul Mozilla - pentru comparații
- Web dashboard for .lang(webparts) and Verbatim-managed websites
- Web dashboard for Verbatim-managed websites
- Web dashboard teams
- Web dashboard signoffs
- Marketplace dashboard
- Graphic for web localization
- Localization errors
- Mozilla wiki for Web Parts
- Web dashboard SVN repos for the lang files
- Langchecker for Web dashboard
- FFOS bugged strings: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/romania-FFOS_bugged_strings
- Website-ToU
- FF-CloudService-PN
- FF-CloudService-ToS
- MP-DevAgrmt
- MP-ToS
- Mozilla-PP
- Website-PN
- SUMO: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/marketplace-apps-firefox-desktop
- SUMO: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/get-involved
- Production site: https://support.mozilla.org/ro/
- Development site: https://support.allizom.org
- Pontoon SUMO UI buddyup: https://pontoon.mozilla.org/ro/sumo/LC_MESSAGES/buddyup.po/
- Pontoon SUMO UI yaocho: https://pontoon.mozilla.org/ro/sumo/LC_MESSAGES/yaocho.po/
- Pontoon SUMO UI main: https://pontoon.mozilla.org/ro/sumo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po/
- People (IRC nicknames) to bother to push strings to production: mythmon, Kadir, vesper|
- Romanian localization team
- [Mozilla Romania Google group] (http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla-ro)
- [Locamotion (Pootle) Romanian] (http://mozilla.locamotion.org/ro/)
- Verbatim (older Pootle) Romanian
- What type of doc am I reviewing?
- Who is the target audience?
- What need is this doc trying to fill?
- Does what I read successfully address and satisfy the target audience's needs?
- Does the doc's structure help to make the doc easy to read?
- Does the language in the doc make it easy to read and understand?
- Does the doc contain any navigational links to promote a specific information flow? If so, where do they lead?
- Do the styles (bold, italics, etc.) guide you to key pieces of information in the doc? If not, how could they be better used?
- Are all of the links functional? If not, please identify those that are not functional.
- Is the information contained within the doc accurate and up-to-date?
- Are there any specific details that are missing from the doc? If so, please identify those details.
- Please rate what you have read on a scale of 1-5 (1=best doc I've ever read; 5=big pile of uselessness) and explain the reason for your rating.
There is a command line tool to check locales. The following items can be verified:
- byte order mark (BOM)
- entities
- placeholders (%S, #1,
$var$ ...) - access keys
- keybindings
The application also allows merging a locale into the en-US one. So, a valid translation can be created in seconds. See the "merge" line in the .ini file.
Download the application here: http://downloads.mozdev.org/br/locale-inspector.zip
This is a .NET application, therefore the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 or Mono is required in order to run it.
The application can be controlled with an .ini file.
Format: English - Romanian
- tab - filă / file
- tile - panou / panouri
- extension - extensie / extensii
- add-on - supliment / suplimente
- plugin - plugin
- Sync - Sincronizare
- click - clic / clicuri
- byte - byte
- share - impărtășeșiți, distribuiți, dați de veste, spuneți ( și altora | prietenilor )
- tweet(noun) - tweet
- tweet(verb) - „trimite (un) tweet” sau „tweet despre asta” (tweet this)
- add-on = supliment
- browse = navighează (ex. navighează pe web)
- browse = răsfoiește (cu sensul exclusiv în care apeși pe buton și selectezi un fișier; exemplu concret: folosit la încărcarea de fișiere pe diverse site-uri)
- browser = browser (browserul/browsere)
- crash reporter = raportor de defecțiuni
- crash report = raport de defecțiuni
- feedback = feedback (feedbackul/feedbackuri)
- report a bug = raportează un defect
- link = link (linkul/linkuri)
- log in = autentificare
- log out = deconectare
- mouse = maus („mouse” pe Locamotion deocamdată)
- plugin = plugin (pluginul/pluginuri)
- private browsing = navigare privată
- release = lansare
- release notes = note privind lansarea
- sign in = autentificare
- sign out = deconectare
- update channel = sursă de actualizare
- web = web (webul/weburi) (se va încerca pe cât posibil să fie scris cu literă mică)
- site = site (site-ul/site-uri)
- syntax highlighting = evidențiere de sintaxă
- mozilla.com: https://github.com/mozilla-l10n/www.mozilla.org
- appstores (google-play): https://github.com/mozilla-l10n/appstores/tree/master/ro
- FHR (Firefox Health Report in about:healthreport): https://github.com/mozilla-l10n/fhr-l10n
- Romanian team's forks of github repos: https://github.com/mirror-mozilla-svn
- What can you do for Mozilla (AskNot): https://github.com/jdm/asknot/tree/master/locales
- start mozilla org: http://viewvc.svn.mozilla.org/vc/projects/l10n-misc/trunk/fx36start/locale/ro/
- surveys: https://viewvc.svn.mozilla.org/vc/projects/l10n-misc/trunk/surveys/ro/
- slogans https://viewvc.svn.mozilla.org/vc/projects/granary/slogans/ro/
- firefoxos-marketing: http://viewvc.svn.mozilla.org/vc/projects/l10n-misc/trunk/firefoxos-marketing/ro/
- firefox-tiles: http://viewvc.svn.mozilla.org/vc/projects/l10n-misc/trunk/firefoxtiles/ro/
- (obsolete)
about:healthreport: http://viewvc.svn.mozilla.org/vc/projects/l10n-misc/trunk/firefoxhealthreport/locale/ro/ - (obsolete)
mozilla.com: http://viewvc.svn.mozilla.org/vc/projects/mozilla.com/trunk/locales/ro/ - (obsolete)
slogans: http://viewvc.svn.mozilla.org/vc/projects/granary/slogans/ro/ - (obsolete)
snippets: http://viewvc.svn.mozilla.org/vc/projects/l10n-misc/trunk/snippets/ro/ - (obsolete)
google-play: http://viewvc.svn.mozilla.org/vc/projects/l10n-misc/trunk/googleplay/ro/
- mozilla.com pre-production (staging): http://viewvc.svn.mozilla.org/vc/projects/mozilla.com/tags/stage/locales/ro/
- mozilla.com production: https://github.com/mozilla-l10n/bedrock-l10n
- Mozillians: http://viewvc.svn.mozilla.org/vc/projects/l10n-misc/tags/production/mozillians/locales/ro/LC_MESSAGES/
- (obsolete)
mozilla.com production: https://viewvc.svn.mozilla.org/vc/projects/mozilla.com/tags/production/locales/ro/
- Firefox OS 2.5 (dev): http://hg.mozilla.org/gaia-l10n/ro
- Firefox OS 2.2: http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/gaia-l10n/v2_2/ro
- Firefox OS 2.1: http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/gaia-l10n/v2_1/ro
- Firefox OS 2.0: http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/gaia-l10n/v2_0/ro
- Alcatel's builds for Firefox OS and others: http://sourceforge.net/projects/alcatel/files/
- Aurora (Firefox, Firefox for Android, Thunderbird, Lightning): https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/l10n/mozilla-aurora/ro/
- Latest nightlies L10n builds: https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-aurora-l10n/
- Firefox for iOS: https://github.com/mozilla-l10n/firefoxios-l10n
- L10n builds for Aurora: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/l10n/mozilla-aurora/ro
- L10n builds for Beta: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/l10n/mozilla-beta/ro
- L10n builds for Release: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/l10n/mozilla-release/ro
- gettext documentation
- lang file format
- langchecker - available URLs
- langchecker - CLI commands
- How Pontoon Works
- Pontoon open bugs
- softcatala, translation memory and other tools
- Github repo: https://github.com/mozilla/legal-docs