A 3rd party Karma reporter that beeps when there are failed tests. It's designed to work with other visual reporters
The easiest way is to keep karma-beep-reporter
as a devDependency in your package.json
"devDependencies": {
"karma": ">=0.10",
"karma-beep-reporter": "~0.1"
You can simple do it by:
npm install karma-beep-reporter -g --save-dev
You need to add it to the list of reporters:
// karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {
reporters: ['progress', 'beep'],
And you need to register the plugin as well:
plugins : [
You can pass list of reporters as a CLI argument too:
karma start --reporters beep,dots
For more information on Karma see the homepage.
- 0.1.4 - Fixed issue with incorrect formatting of the Kamra output when common messages (ex: console.log) were displayed
- 0.1.3 - Changed Karma dependancy to allow for v0.10 & v0.12
- 0.1.2 - Fixed bug where failed tests were being displayed multiple times. (Bradley C Bailey [email protected])
karma-beep-reporter is MIT licensed.