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CPernet committed May 29, 2017
1 parent 0d352f2 commit f521c6f
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Binary file added Anscombe.mat
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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions Anscombe.txt
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1.0000000e+01 8.0400000e+00 1.0000000e+01 9.1400000e+00 1.0000000e+01 7.4600000e+00 8.0000000e+00 6.5800000e+00
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1.3000000e+01 7.5800000e+00 1.3000000e+01 8.7400000e+00 1.3000000e+01 1.2740000e+01 8.0000000e+00 7.7100000e+00
9.0000000e+00 8.8100000e+00 9.0000000e+00 8.7700000e+00 9.0000000e+00 7.1100000e+00 8.0000000e+00 8.8400000e+00
1.1000000e+01 8.3300000e+00 1.1000000e+01 9.2600000e+00 1.1000000e+01 7.8100000e+00 8.0000000e+00 8.4700000e+00
1.4000000e+01 9.9600000e+00 1.4000000e+01 8.1000000e+00 1.4000000e+01 8.8400000e+00 8.0000000e+00 7.0400000e+00
6.0000000e+00 7.2400000e+00 6.0000000e+00 6.1300000e+00 6.0000000e+00 6.0800000e+00 8.0000000e+00 5.2500000e+00
4.0000000e+00 4.2600000e+00 4.0000000e+00 3.1000000e+00 4.0000000e+00 5.3900000e+00 1.9000000e+01 1.2500000e+01
1.2000000e+01 1.0840000e+01 1.2000000e+01 9.1300000e+00 1.2000000e+01 8.1500000e+00 8.0000000e+00 5.5600000e+00
7.0000000e+00 4.8200000e+00 7.0000000e+00 7.2600000e+00 7.0000000e+00 6.4200000e+00 8.0000000e+00 7.9100000e+00
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Binary file added Anscombe.xls
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259 changes: 259 additions & 0 deletions HZmvntest.m
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function [HZmvntest,P] = HZmvntest(X,c,alpha)
%HZMVNTEST. Henze-Zirkler's Multivariate Normality Test.
% Henze and Zirkler (1990) introduce a multivariate version of the univariate
% There are many tests for assessing the multivariate normality in the
% statistical literature (Mecklin and Mundfrom, 2003). Unfortunately, there
% is no known uniformly most powerful test and it is recommended to perform
% several test to assess it. It has been found that the Henze and Zirkler
% test have a good overall power against alternatives to normality.
% The Henze-Zirkler test is based on a nonnegative functional distance that
% measures the distance between two distribution functions. This distance
% measure is,
% _
% /
% D_b(P,Q)K = / |P(T) - Q(t)|^2 f_b(t)dt
% _/
% R^d
% where P(t) [the characteristic function of the multivariate normality
% distribution] and Q(t) [the empirical characteristic function] are the
% Fourier transformations of P and Q, and f_b is the weight or kernel
% function. Its normal density is,
% -|t|^2
% f_b(t) = (2*pi*b^2)^-p/2*exp(--------), t E R^p
% 2*b^2
% where p = number of variables and |t| = (t't)^0.5.
% The smoothing parameter b depends on n (sample size) as,
% 1 2p + 1
% b_p(n) = ------ (-------)^1/(p+4)*n^1/(p+4)
% sqrt(2) 4
% The Henze-Zirkler statistic is approximately distributed as a lognormal.
% The lognormal distribution is used to compute the null hypothesis
% probability.
% _n _ _n _
% 1 \ \ b^2
% W_n,b = ----- /_ _ /_ _ exp(- ------- Djk) - 2(1+b^2)^-p/2*
% n^2 j=1 k=1 2
% _n _
% 1 \ b^2
% --- /_ _ exp(- --------- Dj) + (1+2b^2)^-p/2
% n j=1 2(1+b^2)
% HZ = n*(4 1{S is singular} + W_n,b 1{S is nonsingular})
% where W_n,b = weighted L^2-distance
% Djk = (X_j - X_k)*inv(S)*(X_j - X_k)'
% Dj = (X - MX)*inv(S)*(X - MX)'
% X = data matrix
% MX = sample mean vector
% S = covariance matrix (normalized by n)
% HZ = Henze-Zirkler statistic test (it is known in literature as
% T_n,b)
% 1{.} = stands for the indicator function
% According to Henze-Wagner (1997), this test has the desirable properties
% of,
% --affine invariance
% --consistency against each fixed nonnormal alternative distribution
% --asymptotic power against contiguous alternatives of order n^-1/2
% --feasibility for any dimension and any sample size
% If the data is multivariate normality, the test statistic HZ is
% approximately lognormally distributed. It proceeds to calculate the mean,
% variance and smoothness parameter. Then, mean and variance are
% lognormalized and the z P-value is estimated.
% Also, for all the interested people we provide the q_b,p(alpha) =
% HZ(1-alpha)-quantile of its lognormal distribution (critical value)
% having expectation E(T_b(p)) and variance var(T_b(p)).
% Syntax: function HZmvntest(X,alpha)
% Inputs:
% X - data matrix (size of matrix must be n-by-p; data=rows,
% indepent variable=columns)
% c - covariance normalized by n (=1, default)) or n-1 (~=1)
% alpha - significance level (default = 0.05)
% Output:
% - Henze-Zirkler's Multivariate Normality Test
% Example: From the Table 11.5 (Iris data) of Johnson and Wichern (1992,
% p. 562), we take onlt the Isis setosa data to test if it has a
% multivariate normality distribution using the Doornik-Hansen
% omnibus test. Data has 50 observations on 4 independent
% variables (Var1 (x1) = sepal length; Var2 (x2) = sepal width;
% Var3 (x3) = petal length; Var4 (x4) = petal width.
% ------------------------------
% x1 x2 x3 x4
% ------------------------------
% 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2
% 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2
% 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2
% 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2
% 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2
% 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4
% . . . .
% . . . .
% . . . .
% 5.1 3.8 1.6 0.2
% 4.6 3.2 1.4 0.2
% 5.3 3.7 1.5 0.2
% 5.0 3.3 1.4 0.2
% ------------------------------
% Total data matrix must be:
% You can get the X-matrix by calling to iris data file provided in
% the zip as
% load path-drive:irisetdata
% Calling on Matlab the function:
% HZmvntest(X)
% Answer is:
% Henze-Zirkler's Multivariate Normality Test
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Number of variables: 4
% Sample size: 50
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Henze-Zirkler lognormal mean: -0.2794083
% Henze-Zirkler lognormal variance: 0.1379069
% Henze-Zirkler statistic: 0.9488453
% P-value associated to the Henze-Zirkler statistic: 0.0499536
% With a given significance = 0.050
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Data analyzed do not have a normal distribution.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Created by A. Trujillo-Ortiz, R. Hernandez-Walls, K. Barba-Rojo,
% and L. Cupul-Magana
% Facultad de Ciencias Marinas
% Universidad Autonoma de Baja California
% Apdo. Postal 453
% Ensenada, Baja California
% Mexico.
% [email protected]
% Copyright. December 5, 2007.
% To cite this file, this would be an appropriate format:
% Trujillo-Ortiz, A., R. Hernandez-Walls, K. Barba-Rojo and L. Cupul-Magana.
% (2007). HZmvntest:Henze-Zirkler's Multivariate Normality Test. A MATLAB
% file. [WWW document]. URL
% fileexchange/
% References:
% Henze, N. and Zirkler, B. (1990), A Class of Invariant Consistent Tests
% for Multivariate Normality. Commun. Statist.-Theor. Meth., 19(10):
% 3595�3618.
% Henze, N. and Wagner, Th. (1997), A New Approach to the BHEP tests for
% multivariate normality. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 62:1-23.
% Johnson, R. A. and Wichern, D. W. (1992), Applied Multivariate Statistical
% Analysis. 3rd. ed. New-Jersey:Prentice Hall.
% Mecklin, C. J. and Mundfrom, D. J. (2003), On Using Asymptotic Critical
% Values in Testing for Multivariate Normality. InterStat: Statistics
% on Internet.
% 0301001.php

if nargin < 3
alpha = 0.05; %default

if alpha <= 0 || alpha >= 1
fprintf(['Warning: Significance level error; must be 0 <'...
' alpha < 1 \n']);

if nargin < 2
c = 1;

if nargin < 1
error('Requires at least one input argument.');

% remove NaNs
% -----------
X(find(sum(isnan(X),2)),:) = [];

if c == 1 %covariance matrix normalizes by (n) [=default]
S = cov(X,1);
else %covariance matrix normalizes by (n-1)
S = cov(X);

[n,p] = size(X);

difT = (X - repmat(mean(X),n,1));

Dj = diag(difT*inv(S)*difT'); %squared-Mahalanobis' distances

Y = X*inv(S)*X';

Djk = - 2*Y' + diag(Y')*ones(1,n) + ones(n,1)*diag(Y')'; %this procedure was
%taken into account in order to '..avoiding loops and
%it (the file) runs much faster' we thank to Johan
%(J.D.) for it valuabe comment (15/12/08) to improve

b = 1/(sqrt(2))*((2*p + 1)/4)^(1/(p + 4))*(n^(1/(p + 4))); %smoothing
if (rank(S) == p),
HZ = n * (1/(n^2) * sum(sum(exp( - (b^2)/2 * Djk))) - 2 *...
((1 + (b^2))^( - p/2)) * (1/n) * (sum(exp( - ((b^2)/(2 *...
(1 + (b^2)))) * Dj))) + ((1 + (2 * (b^2)))^( - p/2)));
HZ = n*4;

wb = (1 + b^2)*(1 + 3*b^2); % = 1 + 4*b^2 + 3*b^4

a = 1 + 2*b^2;

mu = 1 - a^(- p/2)*(1 + p*b^2/a + (p*(p + 2)*(b^4))/(2*a^2)); %HZ mean

si2 = 2*(1 + 4*b^2)^(- p/2) + 2*a^( - p)*(1 + (2*p*b^4)/a^2 + (3*p*...
(p + 2)*b^8)/(4*a^4)) - 4*wb^( - p/2)*(1 + (3*p*b^4)/(2*wb) + (p*...
(p + 2)*b^8)/(2*wb^2)); %HZ variance

pmu = log(sqrt(mu^4/(si2 + mu^2))); %lognormal HZ mean
psi = sqrt(log((si2 + mu^2)/mu^2)); %lognormal HZ variance

P = 1 - logncdf(HZ,pmu,psi);%P-value associated to the HZ statistic

%(1-alpha)-quantile of the lognormal distribution
%q = mu*(1+si2/mu^2)^(-1/2)*exp(norminv(1-alpha)*sqrt(log(1+si2/mu^2)));
HZmvntest = HZ;

disp(' ')
disp('Henze-Zirkler''s Multivariate Normality Test')
fprintf('Number of variables: %i\n', p);
fprintf('Sample size: %i\n', n);
fprintf('Henze-Zirkler lognormal mean: %3.7f\n', pmu);
fprintf('Henze-Zirkler lognormal variance: %3.7f\n', psi);
fprintf('Henze-Zirkler statistic: %3.7f\n', HZ);
fprintf('P-value associated to the Henze-Zirkler statistic: %3.7f\n', P);
fprintf('With a given significance = %3.3f\n', alpha);
if P >= alpha;
disp('Data analyzed have a normal distribution.');
disp('Data analyzed do not have a normal distribution.');

Binary file added LIBRA/Academic License LIBRA.pdf
Binary file not shown.

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