This project is a Go implementation of the MangoPay HTTP REST api version 2.
Use the api with
$ go get
A command line tool is also available for testing the MangoPay service easily:
$ go get
Before using it, you must fill a JSON config file with your client credentials (get your sandbox environment credentials):
"Name":"Your company name",
Now run mangopay
from a terminal to get the list of supported actions:
Usage: ./mangopay [options] action configfile
where action is one of:
conf show config
events list all events (PayIns, PayOuts, Transfers)
users list all users
user* fetch a user (natural or legal)
addnatuser* create a natural user
editnatuser* update natural user info
natuser* fetch natural user info
addlegaluser* create a legal user
editlegaluser* update legal user info
legaluser* fetch legal user info
addwallet* create a new wallet
editwallet* update wallet info
trwallet* fetch all wallet's transactions
wallet* fetch wallet info
wallets* list all user's wallet
addtransfer* create a new tranfer
transfer* fetch transfer info
transfers* list all user's transactions
addwebpayin* create a payIn through web interface
adddirectpayin* create a direct payIn (with tokenized card)
payin* fetch a payIn
addcard* register a credit card
card* fetch a credit card
cards* list all user's cards
addrefund* refund a payment (provide TransferId or PayInId)
refund* fetch a refund (transfer or payin)
addaccount* create an IBAN bank account
account* fetch a user's bank account
accounts* list all user's bank accounts
addpayout* create a bank wire
payout* fetch a bank wire
Actions with an asterisk(*) require input JSON data (-d).
-d="": JSON data part of the HTTP request
-v=0: Verbosity level (1 for debug)
The API is available on GoDoc.