A utility to convert decal images to remove backgrounds, gif, fill all visible color with black, White background, colorize, and compress for Raven's Decals.
I made a script to build the .deb file from github
Copy and paste the following code into your terminal:
wget -O "${HOME}/Desktop/build-decal-converter.sh" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Justme488/build-decal-converter/main/build-decal-converter.sh" && chmod u+x "${HOME}/Desktop/build-decal-converter.sh" && sh "${HOME}/Desktop/build-decal-converter.sh"
- Single or multiple convert decal to transparent background
- Single or multiple colorize and compress decals images to White, Black, Blue, Teal, Red, green, Silver, Pink, Purple, Dark Blue, Orange, Yellow, and Neon-Green (You must use a transparent png file)
- fill all visible color in decal with black
- Saves png converted, colorized, filled and original decals to folder in home directory
- Creates shortcut in Menu > Graphics > Decal Converter
Colors are:
- White - #ffffff
- Black - #000000
- Blue - #1791d8
- Teal - #29bbc8
- Red - #a01922
- Green - #008c35
- Silver - #928F98
- Pink - #ffade5
- Purple - #1a0e67
- Dark-Blue = #003478
- Orange = #d56f31
- Yellow = #f3e11f
- Neon-Green = ##39FF14
Creates the following directories in HOME
- Decals/Resized-Transparent
- Decals/Black-Fill
- Decals/Colorized
- Decals/Original
- Decals/GIF
- Decals/Tablet
- Decals/White-Background