A package to simulate a motion capture system in Gazebo. Provides the same ROS topics as motion_capture_system. Tracks the base link of model in Gazebo using the /gazebo/model_states topic.
Common Parameters
, default: 0
, max: 100
The frame rate of the motion capture system in hertz. A value of 0 uses a default 100hz to mimic the rate of the real Qualisys motion capture system.
, default: false
If set to true, tf msgs for the subjects are published.
, default: mocap
The fixed frame ID of the tf msgs for each subject. Note that the child frame id is automatically set to the name of the subject.
, default: []
A vector of subjects of interest. Leave the vector empty if all subjects are to be tracked. LEAVING THE VECTOR EMPTY WILL ONLY TRACK NON-STATIC MODEL (according to the model properties in Gazebo).
Subscribed Topics
Used to get the model list from Gazebo if no model list parameter is specified.
Published Topics
Odometry message for each specified subject in model_list
Twist message for each specified subject in model_list
(relative to mocap fixed frame).
Pose message for each specified subject in model_list
(relative to mocap fixed frame).
Called Services
Used to get the model properties when no model list parameter is specified. Models are added to the list if their "is_static" attribute is false.
rosrun mocap_simulator mocap_simulator_node.py