Repositotry for code and documentation on the customized Nexus 4WD holonomic robots of the SML (Smart Mobility Lab) of KTH.
Every Nexus robot includes a companion computer (usually a NVidia TX2) connected to the internal Arduino low-level controller. To use the Nexus, one needs first to connect by SSH to the companion computer (credentials available by asking a lab member, replace COMPANION_COMPUTER_IP by the companion computer IP):
Then the ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_IP environnement variables need to be set accordingly. Check ROS network setup for more information.
To bring up the robot, run the following launch file from the companion computer:
roslaunch sml_nexus_robot sml_nexus_bringup.launch
After a successful launch, command and feedback topics should be available under the namespace /nexus_ROBOT_ID
The robot can be commanded in velocity by publishing ROS Twist message on the topic /nexus_ROBOT_ID/cmd_vel
The robot is a modified 4 mecanum wheel holonomic robot from Nexus Robotics (
- max speed: 0.6m/s
- wheel base: 300mm
- Motors: (4x) Faulhaber 12V DC Coreless Motor 16002, with 45° 50mm radius mecanum wheel.
- Optional manipulator: Either a Robotis ViperX 250 or a Robotis WidowX depending on the platform.
- Onboard computer: Either NVidia TX2, NVidia Jetson Nano or Intel NUC depending on the platform.
- Low-level controller: Arduino Mega for interfacing with motor drivers, ultrasonic range sensor and encoders.
- Motor drivers: Two Cytron MDD3A motor drivers.
- (4x) Encoders: Encoder on each wheel with a resolution of 12CPR before motor gearbox and 768CPR after gearbox.
- (4x) Ultrasonic range sensor: URM04 v1.0 ultrasonic range sensors with RS-485 interface.
- sml_nexus_description
- sml_nexus_robot
Contains the robot URDF description and meshes.
sml_nexus_description.launch: Load the SML nexus 4WD mecanum robot description parameter and the robot state publisher.
sml_nexus_rviz.launch: Load the SML nexus 4WD mecanum robot description parameter and a RViz session.
Package to be run from the robot onboard computer.
- sml_nexus_bringup.launch: Load config files and connect to the low-level controller using rosserial.
- nexus_pid_params.yaml Parameters of the motor controllers