The project requires the LLVM librariaries installed see
├── bin
│ └── antlr-4.8-complete.jar // ANTLR4 tool
├── rpgle
│ └── CALCFIB.rpgle // Sample RPG file
├── src
│ ├── antlr // ANTLR4 grammar files
│ ├── generated // ANTLR4 generated parser/lexer
│ └── rpg // C++ source code
└── CMakeLists.txt // CMake file
article-llvm-rpg$ cmake .
Build the project
article-llvm-rpg$ make -j2
Run the sample
article-llvm-rpg$ ./rpg rpgle/CALCFIB.rpgle
The ANTLR4 lexer and parser are already included in the source code, the antlr .jar file required to is available in the bin directory. To re generate the lexer and the parser:
article-llvm-rpg$ java -cp ./bin/antlr-4.8-complete.jar org.antlr.v4.Tool -Dlanguage=Cpp -listener -visitor -o src/generated/ -Xexact-output-dir -package antlrcpprpg src/antlr/RpgLexer.g4 src/antlr/RpgParser.g4