This repository is a compilation of data structures implemented by datacomm students
Last updated: Sunday October 25th, 2020. 13:10 PST
1- read all the requirements 2- fork 3- branch 4- develop and test 5- push to your own origin 6- do a pull request to our dev branch
- must only use POSIX standard functions
- nodes must only contain a void* pointer, and pointers to other nodes of the same structure
- do not print to screen, including error logging. Exceptions are: error logging can be deactivated; the function's explicit goal is to produce such output
- function calls that may produce an error must be checked. Appropriate error code must be returned. If the function is already returning a pointer, return null. If the function is returning a numerical value, request a status* as parameter and use it to set the return code
- if a struct is defined in a header, you must also do a typedef forthe struct. (WARNING! No typedefs of struct pointers!) E.g. struct foo_s {}; typedef struct foo_s foo;
- means to get size
- means to insert
- means to remove
- means to iterate through all values
- means to get a specific value
- means to set a specific value
- functions in header: prepend the name of the data structure. If verbose, "dc_" is an acceptable substitute.
- filename: name_of_data_structure
- structs: name_of_data_structure_s
- typedef of struct pointer: name_of_data_structure
- function: verb_noun(_preposition_noun)?
- variable: noun(_preposition_noun)?
- a directory for every data structure
- directories should be named as the data structure they contain