# Magic 8 Ball
This is a simple Magic 8 Ball command-line program written in Python. It allows users to ask a yes/no question and get a random response, just like a traditional Magic 8 Ball toy.
## How It Works
The program generates a random answer from a set of 15 predefined responses when the user asks a question. If the user presses enter without typing a question, the program exits.
## Features
- Randomly selects one of 15 possible answers.
- Users can ask multiple questions until they choose to exit by pressing enter without typing a question.
## Usage
1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/magic-8-ball.git
2. Navigate to the directory:
cd magic-8-ball
3. Run the script:
python magic8ball.py
4. Ask any yes/no question, and the Magic 8 Ball will provide a random response.
## Example
Ask the magic 8 ball a question: (press enter to quit) Will I pass my exam?
It is certain
The Magic 8 Ball can respond with one of the following messages:
- It is certain
- Without a doubt
- Yes – definitely
- Ask again later
- Concentrate and ask again
- You may rely on it
- My reply is no
- Most likely
- My reply is Yes.
- Yes, signs point to yes
- Of course.
- Better not tell you now
- Cannot predict now
- Very doubtful
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.