EasyData 1.4.0
[New]: Fluent API. Now it's possible to define filters for loaded models and customize entities and attributes using API calls instead of annotations on model classes
[New]: Auto adjustment of grid column widths. Now they take as much space as it's necessary
[New]: Display description of entity attribute as a hint on CRUD pages
[New]: Support for grouping and aggregation. Can be used only together with EasyQuery now
[New]: Add property filters in DbContextMetadataLoader.
[New]: SkipNonDbSetEntities option in DbContextMetaDataLoaderOptions
[New]: dataTable options (chunkSize, elasticChunks) can be passed to dispatcher options now.
[New]: onUpdate event in EasyDataTable
[Upd]: Add display format validation
[Upd]: Web API URLs were renamed/modified. NB: Version 1.4.0 of EasyData.NET can be used only with 1.4.0 (or higher) of EasyData.JS
[Fix]: Wrong grid width when some columns are invisible
[Fix]: Incorrect entity names for joining tables