TypeScript is
a superset of JavaScript that
- adds static typing and other features
- to enhance JavaScript development.
It was developed by Microsoft on Oct 1, 2012, and is now an open-source project with a large community of contributors.
Extra Features:
- Interfaces , Tuples, Enums, Generic, Classes. etc.,
TypeScript catches errors
- at compile time instead of runtime,
- which makes debugging easier and
- reduces the likelihood of bugs in production.
The main difference between the .ts and .tsx extensions is that
- the .tsx extension is used for TypeScript files that include JSX syntax,
- while
- the .ts extension is used for regular TypeScript files that do not contain JSX
cmd to Create TS configuration File tsconfig.json
tsc --init
Created a new tsconfig.json with:
target: es2016
module: commonjs
strict: true
esModuleInterop: true
skipLibCheck: true
forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true
You can learn more at https://aka.ms/tsconfig
target: es2016:
- This means your TypeScript code will be compiled down to ES2016 JavaScript syntax.
module: commonjs:
- This sets the module system for your project to CommonJS, which is the module system used by Node.js.
strict: true:
- This enables all strict type-checking options.
esModuleInterop: true:
- This enables a compiler option that allows default imports from modules with no default export.
skipLibCheck: true:
- This makes the compiler skip type checking of declaration files (*.d.ts).
forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true:
- This ensures that the casing of your file names is consistent to avoid issues on case-sensitive file systems.
Complation cmd for TypeScript to JavaScript
// to complie all ts file to javaScript
tsc filename.ts
// to compile particular file to javaScript
cmd to omit compilation in case of error encounter in ts file
tsc --noEmitOnError filename.ts
// you have to uncommit that in tsconfig.json file
In TypeScript, type annotation is
- a way of explicitly specifying the type of a variable, function parameter, or function return value.
It helps the TypeScript compiler to - enforce type checking and provide type safety during development and . - what operations could we performed on that variable or value
Type annotations are expressed by using a colon ( : ) followed by - the desired type after the variable or function parameter declaration.
There can be a space after the colon.
- The number type represents numeric values, including - integers and floating-point numbers.
let myFavNum: number = 5;
let myAge: number = 29;
let pi: number = 3.147;
let myNegVal: number = -5;
let invalidResult: number = myAge + "years";
// Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
let invalidValue: number = "123";
// Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
let computedValue: number = Math.sqrt(16);
// Valid
let nanValue: number = NaN;
// ?
- Any value under single or double quotes are treated as string,
- Also any expression result string as output
// To Do
- substring
- String Comparision
- String Template
In TypeScript, the boolean type represents a value that can be either true or false.
- It is a built-in type that allows you to work with numbers that are larger than the range supported by the regular number type.
- BigInt literals are written by appending the n suffix to an integer literal.
- In JS we can't read the whole numbers beyond 2 ^ 53
let maxNumber = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
let bigNumber: bigint = 9007199254740992n;
var anotherBigNumber = BigInt("9007199254740992");
let sum = bigNumber + anotherBigNumber;
let difference = bigNumber - anotherBigNumber;
let product = bigNumber * anotherBigNumber;
let quotient = bigNumber / anotherBigNumber;
console.log(sum, difference, product, quotient);
// output
18014398509481984n 0n 81129638414606681695789005144064n 1n
- The any type is the most flexible type in TypeScript.
- It essentially turns off all type checking for the variables or expressions it is applied to.
Working with Dynamic Data:
- When dealing with data from dynamic sources like user inputs, network responses, or deserialized JSON objects, the any type can be useful.
Migration from JavaScript:
- When migrating an existing JavaScript codebase to TypeScript, using the any type can be a convenient way to quickly annotate variables and functions without immediately specifying their precise type
The unknown type is a safer alternative to any because it still enforces type checking and type safety.
Variables of type unknown can hold values of any type, but you must perform type checks or type assertions before using them in specific ways.
You can declare a function using the " function " keyword, fol lowed by the function_name, a list of parameters enclosed in parentheses, and a return type.
- The function body contains the code that will be executed when the function is called.
To execute a function, you simply invoke it by using its name followed by parentheses.
- You can provide arguments (actual values) for the parameters defined in the function declaration.
- Type inference in TypeScript
- refers to the ability of the TypeScript compiler to automatically determine and assign types to variables, expressions, and function
- return values based on their usage and context in the code.
What are some best practices for using type inference in TypeScript?
- Use type inference for simple cases where the assigned value clearly indicates the intended type.
- When in doubt, provide explicit type annotations to make your intentions clear.
- Avoid relying too heavily on type inference when the assigned value is complex or ambiguous.
- Regularly review and refactor your code to ensure inferred types align with your intentions.
TypeScript allows you to define optional and default parameters in functions.
- Optional parameters are denoted by appending a ? symbol after the parameter_name,
and - default parameters are specified by providing a default value in the parameter declaration.
In TypeScript, a type alias is a way to give a name to a specific type or combination of types.
- It allows you to create a custom name for a type,
- making it easier to reuse and
- refer to the same type in different parts of your code.
- Type aliases provide better readability, organization, and abstraction of complex types
- It allows you to create a custom name for a type,
To define a type alias, you use the " type " keyword followed by the alias_name and the type definition:
type Products{
name: string;
price: number;
quantity: number;
cosnt Product1:Products = {
price: 45,
A call signature is a function signature that
- the arguments
- that a function can accept and
- the type of value it returns.
- the arguments
which includes the function's name, parameters, and return type.
It defines the structure and type information of a function
- without including the function's implementation or body.
export type TodosContext = {
todos: Todo[];
// Method Call Signature && Industrial Approach
handleAddToDo: (task: string) => void;
// Alternate
(task: string): void;
- Enums in TypeScript are commonly used
- when you want to represent a set of related values and
- choose one value from multiple options.
- Enums provide a convenient way to define a set of named values and associate them with specific meanings.
enum Roles {
user, //implicitly assign 0
admin, //implicitly assign 1
In TypeScript, when enum constants are not automatically assigned incremental numeric values
- the first enum constant is 0, and
- subsequent enum explicitly assigned numeric values, they are starting from 0. The default numeric value for constants receive values incremented by 1.
enum Roles {
user: " user" ,
admin: " admin "
type LoginDetails ={
name? : string;
email : string;
password : string;
role: Roles
const userl : LoginDetails = {
email : " thapaogmail.com" ,
password : " qwqe" ,
role : Roles.admin
const user2 : LoginDetails ={
email : "vinodagmail.com" ,
password : " qwe" ,
role : Roles.user
const isAdmin: (userl: LoginDetails) => st ... =(userl:LoginDetails):string => {
const {name,email,role} = user1;
return role === "admin" ? `${email} is allow to edit the website` : `${email} is not allow to edit the website`
- In TypeScript, tuples are a data structure that
- allows you to store a fixed-size collection of elements of different types.
- They are similar to arrays, but with a key difference:
- the types of elements in a tuple are fixed and
- declared at the time of creation,
- whereas arrays can holds elements of the same type, and their size can vary.
Let's consider a senario where you want to represent a person's basic information,
- including their name, age, and whether they have a driver's license.
- Using a tuple can be an appropriate choice because these three elements have a specific order and type.
// Defining a tuple type for person information
type Personlnfo = readonly [string, number, boolean];
// Example usage
const personl: Personlnfo = ["vinod", 29, true];
const person2: Personlnfo = ["thapa", 17, false];
const displayPersonInfo : (person: Personlnfo) => void =
(person:PersonInfo):void => {
const [name,age,hasDriverLicense] = person;
console.log(`Name: ${name}, Age: ${age}, Driver's License: ${hasDriverLicense ? "Yes"
" No "} `);
// if we want to pass to different data type as argument
// we can take help of "|"
const userInput:(value: number | string) => ... = (value: number | string): number | string =>{
if( typeof.value === 'number'){
return value * 2;
}else if(typeof.value === "string"){
return value.toUpperCase();
throw new Error(message:'Invalid input data');
type person = {
name: string;
age: number;
type employee = {
emp_id: number;
department: string;
// Union "|" You have to define Either person or employee with all their perspective properties and
// can define other type with first defined type till the no. of properties as you wish to mention
type EmployeeDetails = person | employee;
const Employee: EmployeeDetails = {
// person Property
name: "vinod",
age: 29,
// employee Property
emp_id: 1111,
// Intersection "&" You Have to Define every properties of Both
type EmployeeDetails = person & employee;
const Employee: EmployeeDetails = {
name: "vinod",
age: 29,
emp_id: 1111,
deparment: "IT",
Generics in TypeScript allow you
- to create reusable components or functions
- that can work with multiple data types.
// Generic function to log and return an input value
function logAndReturn<T>(value: T): T {
return value;
// Using the generic function with different types
const numberResult: number = logAndReturn<number>(45);
const stringResult: number = logAndReturn<string>("HELL FIRE");
const booleanResult: number = logAndReturn<boolean>(true);
// Multiple different type argumentGeneric function to log and return an input value
function logAndReturn<T, U>(a: T, b: U): void {
console.log(typeof a);
console.log(typeof b);
// Using the multiple different type argument generic function with different types
const numberResult: void = logAndReturn<number, string>(45, "Hell Fire");
when we use generic and non generic type together
- then while calling the function
- we need to defined the type in a manner
but with non generics we don't
// We can also define type in non-generic way with generic
function logAndReturn<T, U>(a: T, b: U, c: boolean): void {
console.log(typeof a);
console.log(typeof b);
console.log(typeof c);
// define generic type only for generic not for non generic
const numberResult: void = logAndReturn<number, string>(45, "Hell Fire");
In TypeScript, an interface is a powerful feature that allows you
- to define a contract for an object's shape.
- It specifies
- the properties and
- their types
- that an object must have to be considered of that particular interface type.
- Interfaces are
- primarily used for type-checking during development and
- do not generate any JavaScript code at runtime.
interface Products{
name: string;
price: number;
quantity: number;
cosnt Product1:Products = {
price: 45,
"rootDir": "./src", /* Specify the root folder within your source files. */
"outDir": "./dist", /* Specify an output folder for all emitted files. */
"noEmitOnError": true, /* Disable emitting files if any type checking errors are reported. */
# command similar as nodemon for only one file
tsc filename.ts --watch
# command for all file
tsc -w
# or
tsc --watch
"module": "commonjs", /* Specify what module code is generated. */
"target": "es2022", /* Set the JavaScript language version for emitted JavaScript and include compatible library declarations. */
"lib": ["es2022","DOM"], /* Specify a set of bundled library declaration files that describe the target runtime environment. */