See the author's resume as online demo. Although it is maintained as parallel of Yart.
@ John Appleseed
@@ TEL: +1 (408) 555-5555
@@ Email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
# Experience
// Start with two slashes for subheading
## Job Title @ Company {10/2015—Present}
Detailed description of this period of experience.
:: Add comment by starting with two colons. This is useful if you want to reference a URL on Internet.
==== A line starting with four equal signs will generate a page break for printing.
Put your content in the #source-md
element of resume.html
You can remove the download link if you'd like.
Don't forget to change the webpage title.
If you don't want to add an avatar, simply remove <img class="avatar" data-async-src="./avatar.png">
in the #cont
element of resume.html
Current codebase is a scrap. You may want to create custom themes later upon the codebase gets refactored.
This resume tool is print-ready. You can produce a PDF from the webpage. This functionality is provided in browser's printing feature.
- Seravek (OS X built-in)
- Segoe UI (Windows built-in)
- Ropa Sans Pro (free
Ropa Sans Pro Regular & Italic
- Iowan Old Style (OS X built-in)
- Palatino (OS X built-in)
- Athelas (OS X built-in)
- Andron Freefont (free for Desktop only)
- Garibaldi (free
Garibaldi Medium
) - EB Garamond
- Ashbury (free
Ashbury Light
MIT License as included within this repository.