CS 319 Team Project 1-f
Project Description: This project is a classroom helper application which is mainly focused on peer reviewing system with different functionalities.
The youtube link of trailer: https://youtu.be/ywxCzDxk-yM
Group Members: Lara Merdol Akmuhammet Ashyralyyev Berke Ceran Güven Gergerli Sıla Saraoğlu
Login/Administration Screen • Three different users which are students, TAs and instructor can login with their emails and passwords. According to login status, users are forwarded to dashboard screen.
Dashboard Screen • According to login status, user will be displayed with different dashboard pages.
Profile Page • For all users, there is a unique profile page which contains sensitive information belong to the users. Additionally, there is a group profile page which contains the sensitive information of the group.
- Feedback Mechanism • By this feature, instructor can generate a general feedback for groups. This feature can only be used by instructor.
Peer Review Mechanism • By this feature, instructor can generate a general review questions for groups and all group members review each other. The reviews can only be seen by the instructor.
Attach File Feature • Groups will attach a document file which is relevant to their project on their group profile, by that feature other groups can examine that file and review the peer groups according to their work.
Group Review Mechanism • By the help of the attach file feature, all students can evaluate other groups' projects by grading. The groups and other students will only see the average grade of the projects. Instructor can also evaluate projects and he or she can also see the other students' given comments and grades of the projects as well.
Group Formation Page • The students can form groups here by viewing the students' list of the course. Students can join groups or create a new one as well. Following feature will help to form groups.
Message Feature • Users will send and receive a text message via message feature to form a group our exchange views about their project. Users will invite other users to form a group or make a request for joining a group by that feature.
Search Page • Users can search a group or a user in the course.
Frequently asked questions page