Back end for an e-commerce site using Express.js API and Sequelize to interact with a MySQL product database.
🔗 Link to application e-commerce-back-end
🔧 In order for this application to work, you need to install the following (dependencies): Node.js, Express.js, MySQL2, Sequelize, and dotenv.
After you clone down the repository, install dependencies from the root directory.
npm install
Then, move into the db/ directory and create the database in MySQL.
mysql -u root -p
source schema.sql
Next, move back into the root directory and seed your database with the sample data.
npm run seed
To run the application from the command line of the root directory:
npm start
To check your API endpoints, open the Insomnia core to test GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests for all the routes: categories, products, and tags to see the sample data returned as JSON content.
✍️ Lauren Darrimon is the author of this application. Find additional work on Lauren Darrimon's Github profile..
❓💌 Reach out to Lauren Darrimon at [email protected] if you have any questions.
The license for this project is: MIT