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Hi there 👋 Here is Learning Pawn 5

  • 😥 First of all, my English is rather BAD. You might see many grammatical mistakes above. If you can tolerate those, let’s just go on.
  • 🆗 My nickname is "Learning Pawn 5", the word "Learning" means I am and I ought to keeping learning, and the word "Pawn" means I'm still a noob in many fields and I should keeping a humble attitude during my life time. But at the same time, I just wanna be a pawn which simply moving forward, and maybe some day reaches the back rank and got promoted.
  • 📚 I’m just a noob programmer and graduated from a very common university in China.
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Mathematics, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, FPGA, etc.
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Internet of Things. (Actually, I’m not so good at it.)
  • 🤔 I’m looking for help with a lot of things. Recently, I'm trying to understand the algorithms of Machine Learning.
  • 💬 I think I know a lot of things, but actully I know nothing. Maybe you can ask me some questions about the basic of coding, but actully I suggest you to search it on Google / StackOverflow.
  • 📫 How to reach me: Maybe you can send me an Email at [email protected].
  • 😄 Pronouns: LP5 /el piː faɪ/
  • ⚡ Fun fact: Pretty a lot. I just wanna be an AMAZING Program Scientist like Fabrice Bellard, Alan Turing, Linus Torvalds, etc.


  • 首先,请您尽量忽略我英文介绍里的语法、措辞上的错误,因为我英语是真的不好 😥;
  • 为啥叫学渣戊?🆗 其实就是所谓 “路人甲、炮灰乙、流氓丙、土匪丁” 的简单推广,再加之曾经流行的学渣、学霸、学痞一类的称呼,加在一起就成了学渣戊了;
  • 叫学渣戊其实还有另一个原因:三分钟热度的我是一个学习 📚 “渣男”,说好听点那叫雨露均沾,说难听点其实就是半瓶醋晃悠;
  • 所以我学了些啥呢?一般还是啥火学啥,比如机器学习、人工神经网络啥的。物联网是本科专业可能倒是熟悉些,然后把以前没学好的数学补一补,到 FPGA 可真就是硬学了,学的 verilog 到现在还是 veryBug 🤔;
  • 有时间的话,其实我更愿意帮忙写写文档,或者翻译、修订文档啥的。物联网相关的知识大概也是没有全忘(本质上就是前端、后端、安卓终端、嵌入式边缘端、机器学习云端啥都有搞),如果有好项目抬举我,我肯定憋都给你憋俩 PR 出来 👯;
  • 查问题还是优先百度,不行还有 ChatGPT 呢 😄。有些个我自个儿搜不到解决方案的,要是能解决,且基本没有用我的方案的,我也会写博客分享出来,届时欢迎大佬们来敲打敲打我 💬;
  • 有事找可以发邮件:[email protected] 📫;
  • 感兴趣的东西一大堆,应该很多技术宅都像我这样吧?⚡ 然后就是很崇拜一些行业大佬,比如 贝拉德图灵林纳斯 等等;以及一众科技工作者,例如 袁隆平钱学森华罗庚 等等等等。

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