Credits Sword352 - Tiled Sustain Class and OffsetSprite from Eternal Engine (I borrowed it def) TheRealJake_12 - FileUtil class (yeah so thanks now I don't need to use FileSystem.readDirectory :3) Geokureli - Flixel-Controls Library FunkinCrew - Da original fnf game!! go check it out if i forgot anyone, go ahead and make an issue/pr with a list of ones i forgot to credit :3 Important/Library (Compilation) Flixel: 6.0.0/5.9.0 Flixel-Addons: 3.3.2 Flixel-UI: 2.6.3 Flixel-Controls: Git ( HSCRIPT: 2.5.0 HSCRIPT-IRIS: 1.1.3 Lime: 8.2.2 OpenFL: 9.4.1 funkin-modchart: Git (