gomet is the metrics collector designed to see what goroutines do.
at the beginning of program setup gomet specifying stats period:
tickCh := gomet.Setup(time.Second)
every second channel tickCh produces stats data, so you can listen on channel in some goroutines
for tick := range tickCh {
// or store in some other places
Tick contains stats for each groups, see godoc for details.
At the begining of the goroutine create a new Meter, at the end of goroutine close the Meter:
m := New("NetWorker")
defer m.Close()
Than Specify states of goroutine:
m.State("wait on chan")
//data := <- dataCh
// payload(data)
To get stats how long data spend on channel use the ChanIn() and ChanOut() methods (see godoc)