Dataset Description:
Data mining and Time series forecasting project based on a sales dataset with aggregated information for different products (SKU) throughout a 3-years time window:
Weekly data (Dec 2016 – Dec 2019) Data are available for 43 SKU (different products), prediction target restricted to 12 products
SKU | Unique identifier for the products | int
Pack | Type of pack in which the product is sold | str
Size (GM) | Product weight | float
Brand | Product brand | str
Price | Planned price of sale for the product in week w | float
POS_exposed w-1 | Number of stores in which the product was put on evidence at w-1 | int
Volume_on_promo w-1 | % Volume of product put on promo at w-1 | float
Sales w-1 | Sales of product at w-1 (lagged target) | int
Scope | Boolean that indicates SKUs in scope (target) | bool