Releases: MAMEM/GazeTheWeb
Windows release
Latest version of GazeTheWeb for Windows. If no eyetracker is connected, you can simulate the eye gaze using your mouse cursor.
Changes from version 1.8
- Reintroduce gaze mouse: an option that makes the mouse cursor follows the gaze
Since GazeTheWeb is a research prototype, neither the installer nor the executable are signed. Your virus protection might identify GazeTheWeb therefore as a threat. We promise you to not intend any harm to you or your system. However, GazeTheWeb is not intended for daily use and you should not enter any sensible information using it!
- Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10
- Graphics card with OpenGL 3.3 or higher support
Compatible eyetrackers
- SMI RED-n series
- Visual Interactive myGaze-n
- Tobii EyeX
- Tobii 4C
Windows release
Latest version of GazeTheWeb for Windows. If no eyetracker is connected, you can simulate the eye gaze using your mouse cursor.
Changes from version 1.7
- Deactivate super calibration when using Tobii EyeX connected devices
- Increase magnification in link selection
Since GazeTheWeb is a research prototype, neither the installer nor the executable are signed. Your virus protection might identify GazeTheWeb therefore as a threat. We promise you to not intend any harm to you or your system. However, GazeTheWeb is not intended for daily use and you should not enter any sensible information using it!
- Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10
- Graphics card with OpenGL 3.3 or higher support
Compatible eyetrackers
- SMI RED-n series
- Visual Interactive myGaze-n
- Tobii EyeX
- Tobii 4C
Windows release
Latest version of GazeTheWeb for Windows. If no eyetracker is connected, you can simulate the eye gaze using your mouse cursor.
Changes from version 1.6
- Reduce dimming effect when pausing
- Remove button to pause data logging (data logging is anyway deactivated)
- Remove button to access MAMEM dashboard
Since GazeTheWeb is a research prototype, neither the installer nor the executable are signed. Your virus protection might identify GazeTheWeb therefore as a threat. We promise you to not intend any harm to you or your system. However, GazeTheWeb is not intended for daily use and you should not enter any sensible information using it!
- Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10
- Graphics card with OpenGL 3.3 or higher support
Compatible eyetrackers
- SMI RED-n series
- Visual Interactive myGaze-n
- Tobii EyeX
- Tobii 4C
Windows release
Latest version of GazeTheWeb for Windows. If no eyetracker is connected, you can simulate the eye gaze using your mouse cursor.
Since GazeTheWeb is a research prototype, neither the installer nor the executable are signed. Your virus protection might identify GazeTheWeb therefore as a threat. We promise you to not intend any harm to you or your system. However, GazeTheWeb is not intended for daily use and you should not enter any sensible information using it!
- Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10
- Graphics card with OpenGL 3.3 or higher support
Compatible eyetrackers
- SMI RED-n series
- Visual Interactive myGaze-n
- Tobii EyeX
- Tobii 4C
Windows release
This release is built for daily use without the logging features of MAMEM phase 2 trials. Different as previous versions, this version comes with a convenient installer!
- Windows 32bit binary (though works also on 64bit)
- SMI REDn, Visual Interaction myGaze and Tobii EyeX plugins
- Upgraded to Chromium Version 81
- Google login is not possible because Google prohibits it for CEF-based applications
Please take a look into the included Readme for further instructions, i.e., how to use the new experimental voice-control.
Demo Release
This release is built for demonstrational purposes without the logging features of MAMEM phase 2 trials.
- Windows 32bit binary (though works also on 64bit)
- SMI REDn, Visual Interaction myGaze and Tobii EyeX plugins
Please take a look into the included Readme for further instructions.
Demo Release
This release is built for demonstrational purposes without the logging features of MAMEM phase 2 trials.
- Windows 32bit binary (though works also on 64bit)
- SMI REDn, Visual Interaction myGaze and Tobii EyeX plugins
Please take a look into the included Readme for further instructions.
Windows release
This release is built for first trial phase of MAMEM project. The setup for this build was the following:
- Windows 32bit binary (though works also on 64bit)
- SMI REDn, Visual Interaction myGaze and Tobii EyeX plugin
- Windowed
- WebGL disabled
Take a look at the included Readme for further instructions.
Windows release
This release is built for first trial phase of MAMEM project. The setup for this build was the following:
- Windows 32bit binary (though works also on 64bit)
- SMI REDn, Visual Interaction myGaze and Tobii EyeX plugin
- Windowed
- WebGL disabled
Take a look at the included Readme for further instructions.
Windows release
This release is built for first trial phase of MAMEM project. The setup for this build was the following:
- Windows 32bit binary (though works also on 64bit)
- SMI REDn, Visual Interaction myGaze and Tobii EyeX plugin
- Windowed
- WebGL disabled
Take a look at the included Readme for further instructions.