This repository contains the code and resources for this Project,this task of implementing a custom Quad Core Processor on AWS FPGA and porting Linux on it. Additionally, also demonstrated the customization of hardware and software for specific applications.
AWS FPGA with Linux Port: This project have successfully ported a custom Quad Core Processor on AWS FPGA and booted Linux on it. This achievement allows us to explore the fascinating interaction between hardware and software, showcasing the power of multicore systems on a cloud-based FPGA platform.
In addition to the AWS FPGA implementation, this project have also worked on the Arty A7 FPGA board and ported Zephyr on it. This step provides us with an opportunity to understand the workings of different FPGAs and operating systems.
tis project have taken the customization of the project a step further by adding GPIOs, LEDs, and a Seven Segment display and VGA controller of the hardware design. Furthermore, this project have integrated these hardware components into our software application, enabling seamless interaction and control through GPIOs and displaying relevant information on the Seven Segment.
also this project have implemented a VGA controller to enable video output from the FPGA. This feature allows us to display graphical information and interact with the FPGA through a VGA-compatible monitor.