A notebook parsing a wikimedia file from Cinemorgue to extract actor/actress names and movie titles.
Cinemorgue is an encyclopedia that is dedicated to documenting which actors or actresses "died" in which movie or TV show. Having started as a separate website, the documentation effort proved to be too big a job for one person, so the wiki was born where everyone is allowed to submit their additions and corrections directly.
So if you've ever wondered "Has so-and-so ever done a death scene?" or "What's that movie where what'sisname kills such-and-such?", then this index will strive to answer those questions.
This dataset is parsed from their .xml export, and only focuses on movies. The dataset consists of two columns: the actor name and the title of a film they've died in. All other dates, death descriptors, and character names have been dropped due to reliability issues.
Make sure you have venv installed.
- venv
pip install venv
Download the "Current Pages" xml dump at the bottom of the page from https://cinemorgue.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Statistics. Unzip the .7z however you see fit.
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/MDeanLindsay/Cinemorgue.git
Create venv.
python3 -m venv .venv
Initialize venv.
Install requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt