This is a package to help automate the pulling of Satellite Imagery and Tabular data that is useful for the training of neural networks to predict Snow Water Equivalent. It can also be easily adapted to pull imagery for any of the areas these satellite assets cover.
This package was created to solve a specific task, but could easily prove useful for other projects. If you find you would like to modify, add, change, or fix any function, feel free to fork this repo and make your own changes!
There are many dependencies for this package, the most problematic of which is GDAL. Attempt to install the snowcast package first via:
pip install snowcast-Malachyiii
from snowcast import data_wrangling
If this does not work, the most likely solution is to first install the dependencies (such as GDAL) yourself.
Functions can be used by prepending the data_wrangling.<function_name>
If you would like to install this package to a Windows machine, you must first install GDAL from a wheel. GDAL and Windows don't play nice unfortunately.
This package contains:
The intent of chop_aso is to take in a .tiff file, and cut it up into a dataframe of 1kmx1km geometries that can be fed into the later functions. Currently it is built to work with .tiff files from the Airborne Snow Observatory, but could easily be modified for any .tiff file, resolution or target variable as long as you know two things:
- The pixel resolution of the image
- The size of the target geometry
It is meant to work with tiffs that are lat/long, but could also be modified to take other projections.
chop_aso(tiff_image_name, groundtruth = False):
tiff_image_name : str
Path to the Geotiff image.
groundtruth : Boolean, optional
True/False Do you want actual observed values. The default is False.
df : pd.DataFrame
Chop_aso is a function that takes in a tiff image from the Airborne Snow
Observatory in the 50m resolution and cuts it up into a dataframe of
1kmx1km chunks. The output is a df with 3 columns. An arbitrary cell_id
number, the geometry of the square as a shapely polygon, and Snow Water
Equivalent (SWE). If groundtruth is True the SWE is the mean observed SWE
for that cell. Otherwise it is a 0 (to be filled in later)
Not used in our teams actual modeling, but useful so we decided to keep it. This function pulls the imagery for either of the two MODIS satellites (MOD10A1 and MYD10A1) and outputs the image from that satellite, cropped to the given geometry. If it cannot find an image from the specified day, it looks up to 7 days back
pull_MODIS_image(geometry, date, modis, buffer_percent = 0.0):
geometry : shapely.geometry, string
Geometry of the area for which we would like to pull an image.
date : date, string
Date for which we would like to pull imagery. Can be a date or string
defining the date.
modis : string
Name of the Modis satellite for which we would like to pull.
buffer_percent : float, optional
Float definining how much we would like to buffer around the given
geometry by 1 = 100% buffer. The default is 0.0.
Returns a 3D Numpy Array of all three bands scaled to be between 0 and 100.
This pulls the imagery for either of the two MODIS satellites (MOD10A1 and MYD10A1) and converts the data from that image, cropped to the given geometry, into tabular data. If it cannot find an image from the specified day, it looks up to 7 days back
pull_MODIS_list(geometry, date, modis, signal_timer = 5):
geometry : shapely.geometry, string
Geometry of the area for which we would like to pull an image.
date : date, string
Date for which we would like to pull imagery. Can be a date or string
defining the date.
modis : string
Name of the Modis satellite for which we would like to pull.
signal_timer : integer, optional
Number of seconds to wait before timeout. The default is 5.
row : list
This function pulls the data from the specified MODIS snowcover satellite
as three columns of data. One for The snow cover, one for the Albedo, and one
for the unmodified NDSI measurment, all normalized to between 0 and 1
This function pulls an image from the Copernicus 30m resolution DEM for the specified geometry. A date is not necessary because the DEM does not have date dependent image collections. The initial pull brings in the elevation, and datashader is used to create a slope and an aspect layer, outputting all three of these as a 3 channel numpy array
get_copernicus(geometry, signal_timer =5):
geometry : shapely.geometry, string
Geometry of the area for which we would like to pull an image.
signal_timer : integer, optional
Number of seconds to wait before timeout. The default is 5.
Given a geometry, pulls the Copernicus DEM 30m resolution image for that
geometry. Returns a 3D Numpy Array of Elevation, slope and aspect.
The Sentinel functions are all roughly the same. They look on google earth engine for an image of the given geometry, on the specific satellite from the particular day, looking backwards in time if an image isn't available on the day requested. The output is either all the bands (sentinel 1) or a subset of bands that are specifically useful for snow forecasting. In the case of Sentine2a that's geologic features, and in the case of Sentinel2b that's vegetation features. Any of these functions could be easily modified to pull in other bands as necessary.
pull_Sentinel1(geometry, date):
geometry : shapely.geometry, string
Geometry of the area for which we would like to pull an image.
date : date, string
Date for which we would like to pull imagery. Can be a date or string
defining the date.
Returns a 3D numpy array in the shape of the image with one band of
sentinel 1 on each channel
pull_Sentinel2a(geometry, date):
geometry : shapely.geometry, string
Geometry of the area for which we would like to pull an image.
date : date, string
Date for which we would like to pull imagery. Can be a date or string
defining the date.
Returns a 3D numpy array in the shape of the image with bands
representing the geologic bands of sentinel 2 on each channel
pull_Sentinel2b(geometry, date):
geometry : shapely.geometry, string
Geometry of the area for which we would like to pull an image.
date : date, string
Date for which we would like to pull imagery. Can be a date or string
defining the date.
Returns a 3D numpy array in the shape of the image with bands
representing the vegetation from sentinel 2 on each channel
This function is intended to be used to create an LSTM style neural network. It pulls a dataframe of the weather data from a specific geometry for given number of days before the supplied date. This function could easily be modified to pull in other weather data from GRIDMET, as there are many variables available.
def pull_GRIDMET(geometry, date, num_days_back = 7):
geometry : shapely.geometry, string
Geometry of the area for which we would like to pull an image.
date : date, string
Date for which we would like to pull data. Can be a date or string
defining the date.
num_days_back : integer, optional
How many days worth of history to pull. The default is 7.
df : pd.DataFrame
Returns a data frame with 7 columns, geometry, date, precipitation,
wind direction in degrees, minimum temperature, maximum temperature,
and wind velocity.
This function takes the dataframe created by chop_aso
, and stitches it back together into an image and a 1 channel numpy array of predictions. It is very important that the order of the dataframe not be changed, as it depends on math rather than geometries to work. A reference .tiff (which can be the same one used in chop_aso
) must be provided to conform the image to the correct shape. All points not inside the shape in the reference .tiff should be coded as numpy nan's. Any changes made in chop_aso
to account for resolution differences must also be made here
stitch_aso(reference, df, date):
reference : string
String path to a reference image of the target tiff
df : TYPE
A dataframe in the same structure and order as the one put out by
date : string, date
A date to add to the image names.
im_array : np.array
An array of the same size and shape as the original tiff but with the
values of the SWE column of the dataframe. Also saves a csv and a .jpeg
in the working directory
Testing provides an all in one function to test your image pulls to ensure your google earth engine and planetary computer connections are working
Runs a test of all the data pulling functions based on a geometry and date
If you have any questions about this module, or wish to use it for your project, please email me at [email protected] and/or cite this project in your paper's works cited.