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floreencia edited this page Oct 5, 2016 · 6 revisions

Course content

  1. Basic programming concepts in python: variables, data containers, loops, functions, ...

  2. Scientific programming with python: numpy, matplotlib, scipy...

  3. Extra topics: pandas, image processing

Ideas and things to keep in mind

Feedback from previous ENI courses

  1. too fast
  2. more examples on programming logic, algorithmic thinking: loops (for, while), functions, strings
  3. plot/organise real recording data, especially since we had many patch-clamp lectures up to that point
  4. less math and more biology in the exercise
  5. divide class in beginners and advanced


  • peer working, changing every lecture (1)
  • learning through example (swcarpentry) (1, 2, 3, 4)
    • An introduction to Python for non-programmers using inflammation data.
  • module 'turtle' for easy try and error experience
  • showing some nice neuroscience applications in the beginning of the course (maybe some image processing of EM data or spike detection) (4)
  • keep structure in the lectures: (1)
    • clear aim
    • short lectures
    • keep interaction with the students, through questions and simple exercises
    • summary

what is the sidebar for?

I don't know...

but it's good to have one

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