SPL course assigenments with my&refahel shitrit solutions.
- Learning how to create programs that interact with sophisticated Run-Time Environments (RTE). The key notion of the course is that programs are always created relative to another program - which we call the RTE. RTEs have a regular structure: they provide services that the programs we create exploit. In the course, we focus on 4 generic services: management of memory, management of concurrency, communication and networking, and persistent data management (file organization and database usage with SQL).
* Across these topics, we compare various RTEs: Unix and Windows Operating Systems, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and on occasion, Servlet containers and distributed RTEs.
* Gaining experience and exposure to good practices for mid-size programming. The course offers exposure for intensive hands-on programming in pairs. We will learn C++ as a new programming language and systematically compare it to Java. Our perspective is to explain how programming languages provide an abstraction layer above the facilities provided by the intended RTE in which programs are executed. We will focus on systematic acquisition of good programming habits: documentation of code, code metrics verification, design patterns examples, unit testing, test driven development.
This aspect of the course is not theory driven, but instead, experience driven: we will work on 4 large programming assignments during the semester.
This course involves learning to work with new tools and environments, which often is intimidating. Part of the learning experience is to face these difficulties, not to avoid them or hide them.
- The objective of this assignment is to design an object-oriented system and gain implementation experience in C++ while using classes, standard data structures and unique C++ properties such as the “Rule of 5”. We learn how to handle memory in C++ and avoid memory leaks.
- The goal of following assignment is to practice concurrent programming on Java 8 environment. This assignment requires a good understanding of Java Threads, Java Synchronization, Lambdas, and Callbacks. in addition this assigenment cover the following topics/tools : Json read&parse, Maven build,Concurrent DataBases, Junit test.
In this assignment we will implement an online movie rental service server and client. The communication between the server and the client(s) will be performed using a text based communication protocol, which will support renting, listing and returning of movies.
The implementation of the server will be based on the Thread-Per-Client (TPC) and Reactor servers taught in class. The servers, as seen in class, do not support bi-directional message passing. Any time the server receives a message from a client it can reply back to that specific client itself, but what if we want to send messages between clients, or broadcast an announcment to all clients? The first part of the assignment will be to replace some of the current interfaces with new interfaces that will allow such a case.
We will implement the movie rental service over the User service text-based protocol. The User Service Text-based protocol is the base protocol which will define the message structure and base command. Given an implementation of the protocol we can implement many user service applications. The service you will build is a movie rental service. Since the service requires data to be saved about each user and available movies for rental, we will implement a simple JSON text database which will be read when the server starts and updated each time a change is made.
we will also implement a simple terminal-like client in C++. To simplify matters, commands will be written by keyboard and sent “as is” to the server.
The folks over at SPL course have decided to start a pilot of using students as cheap slave labor. To explore this new field, you are required to implement a simulation of workers carrying out tasks to evaluate the performance of such venture. In this assignment, we will implement such a simulator using Python and SQLite.
Method and Technical Description : We will build a sqlite3 database that will hold our tasks, workers, and resource tables. The database filename will be world.db. We will have 2 Python modules: create_world.py and simulator.py. Each task should have a unique ID. 2.1 The