ckanext-sso is an extension for CKAN, a powerful data management system that makes data accessible and usable. This extension provides Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities, allowing users to log in to CKAN using various SSO providers.
- CKAN 2.9
- CKAN 2.10
- SSO Integration: Seamlessly integrate with popular SSO providers.
- Easy Configuration: Simple setup to connect with your existing SSO system.
- Enhanced Security: Leverage SSO for a secure authentication experience.
To install the extension:
activate your virtual environment ie
. /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the package
python install
settings in CKAN config file
ckan.plugins = sso {OTHER PLUGINS}
## ckanext-sso
ckanext.sso.authorization_endpoint = [authorization_endpoint]
ckanext.sso.client_id = [client_id]
ckanext.sso.redirect_url = []
ckanext.sso.client_secret = [client_secret]
ckanext.sso.response_type = [code]
ckanext.sso.scope = [openid profile email]
ckanext.sso.access_token_url = [access_token_url]
ckanext.sso.user_info = [user_info_url]
ckanext.sso.disable_ckan_login = [True|False]
After installing the extension and configuring the settings, you can now log in to CKAN using your SSO credentials.
Contributions are welcome! Please read our contributing guide to learn more.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at datHere Support.