This is an event management, registration, and donation system built for Miles for Myeloma, a non-profit based in Iowa City, Iowa. It is currently under heavy development and much of the core functionality still does not exist.
Project is a fork of L4withSentry.
- Race times are stored as UTC and converted to local race timezone when displayed.
- Creating a race requires admin access.
After you have cloned this repo to your development environment, install & run composer:
curl -sS | php
php composer.phar install
Run the Miles Race Center Migrations:
php artisan migrate
Next, run the Sentry 2 Migrations:
php artisan migrate --package=cartalyst/sentry
Use the seeds provided in this repo to set up the initial user accounts:
php artisan db:seed
Edit the following config files:
- /app/config/mail.php -- Email configuration
- /app/config/app.php -- Payment method configuration
- /app/config/database.php -- Database configuration
The seeds in this repo will create two groups and two user accounts.
- Users
- Admins
- [email protected] Password: sentryuser
- [email protected] Password: sentryadmin
- (jsTimezoneDetect)[]
- Twitter Bootstrap
- jQuery
- Restfulizer.js
- BootstrapSwitch
- Omnipay
- Laravel
- Jeffery Way
- Sentry
- Please let me know if you have any problems.
- The GroupController is restful and the UserController is not; only because I wanted to experiment with both methods.
- I have been a bit sloppy with how I handle "Admin" access checking in the UserController - I hope to clean this up soon.
- There are currently no tests here, beyond the tests provided with Sentry 2 and Laravel 4. I am not yet hip enough to TDD to add these in a meaningful way.
- Currently all mail is being sent inline - eventually I will switch this over to use the new Queue feature in Laravel 4.
======= The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license