This library provides a straightforward implementation of Minecraft's Rcon protocol in Python to provide a client for handling Remote Commands (RCON) to a Minecraft server.
The library is availble on PYPI and can be installed with pip:
pip install mcrcon
The recommend way to run this client is using the python 'with' statement. This ensures that the socket is correctly closed when you are done with it rather than being left open.
In [1]: from mcrcon import MCRcon In [2]: with MCRcon("", "sekret") as mcr: ...: resp = mcr.command("/whitelist add bob") ...: print(resp)
While you can use it without the 'with' statement, you have to connect manually, and ideally disconnect:
In [3]: mcr = MCRcon("", "sekret") In [4]: mcr.connect() In [5]: resp = mcr.command("/whitelist add bob") In [6]: print(resp) In [7]: mcr.disconnect()
After installing the package a cli will be included that can be used.
Help can be gotten by doing:
mcrcon --help
You can connect from the console with commands like the following:
You will either be prompted for your password, or you can set it as follows as an environment variable:
export RCON_PASSWORD=sekret
And then you can run commands on the server interactively:
> /whitelist add bob