Enterprise weixin, interface.
- get token
>>> import qyweixin
>>> token = qyweixin.get_token('corpid', 'corpsecret')
>>> token
- push message
>>> import qyweixin
>>> push_msg = qyweixin.WeixinPush()
>>> push_msg.push_text_msg(token=token, agentid=0, content='test msg', touser='test', toparty='test_group', totag='', safe=0)
- upload files
>>> import qyweixin
>>> media_id = qyweixin.upload(token, filename, filepath, filetype)
- push messages
- uploads media
- manage media
- more qyweixin api
To install qyweixin, simply:
$ pip install qyweixin
This package on v0.3.0 has one broken api. When the message fails to send, the details are returned.
Copyright (C) 2015-2018 TaoBeier