Attention All requests start with " Action you need" (for user oprations)
All requests start with " AuthenticationForToken/The Action you need" (for user Authentication)
________________________________________Authentication All endpoints require authentication. Make sure to include the JWT token in the Authorization header for each request. Endpoint : POST authenticate Description : It gives you a token that you can use to authenticate Response : • 500 Internal Server Error: Indicates a server error. • 200 OK: Return token api with 24 hour Expire Time • Unauthorized, if you don’t have permission
Example Request: Post /api/AuthenticationForToken/authenticate Content-Type: application/json { "UserName": "username", "Password": "password" }
- Register a New User Endpoint: POST /RegisterUser Description: Registers a new user in the system. Request Body: • UserName (string): The username of the new user. • Email (string): The email of the new user. • Password (string): The password of the new user. • Bio (string): The Biography of the new user. Response: • 200 OK: Returns registration success information and activation link. • 400 Bad Request: Indicates validation errors or if the username/email already exists. • 500 Internal Server Error: Indicates a server error. Example Request: POST RegisterUser Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN> Content-Type: application/json
{ "UserName": "newUser", "Email": "[email protected]", "Password": "Password123!", }
- Fully Update a User Endpoint: PUT /FullUpdate Description: Fully updates user information. Request Body: • OldUserName (string): The OldUserNameof the user. • NewUserName (string): The NewUsername of the user. • NewEmail (string): The new email of the user. • NewBio (string): The new bio of the user. Response: • 200 OK: Returns the update success information. • 400 Bad Request: Indicates validation errors. • 404 Not Found: Indicates the user was not found. • 500 Internal Server Error: Indicates a server error. Example Request: PUT Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN> Content-Type: application/json { " OldUserName ": "existingUser", " NewUserName ": "existingUser",
"NewEmail": "[email protected]", "NewBio": "This is the updated bio." }
- Delete a User by Username Endpoint: DELETE / DeletUserWithUserName Description: Deletes a user based on the provided username. Request Body: • UserName (string): The username of the user. Response: • 200 OK: Indicates the user was successfully deleted. • 404 Not Found: Indicates the user was not found. • 500 Internal Server Error: Indicates a server error. Example Request: DELETE DeletUserWithUserName Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN> Content-Type: application/json { "UserName": "exampleUser", }
- Reset User Password Endpoint: POST / ResetUserPassword/Forgot Description: Resets the user's password When Forgot. Request Parameters: • UserName (string): The UserName of User. • Password (string): The NewPassword of User. • Email (string): The Email of User. Request Body: • UserName (string): The UserName of User. • Password (string): The NewPassword of User. • Email (string): The Email of User. Response: • 200 Ok: Indicates the password was successfully reset. • 400 Bad Request: Indicates validation errors. • 404 Not Found: Indicates the user was not found. • 500 Internal Server Error: Indicates a server error.
Example Request: POST ResetUserPassword/Forgot Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN> Content-Type: application/json-patch+json { "UserName": "exampleUser", " Password ": "new Password ", " Email ": "example Email ", }
- Activate User Account Endpoint: POST /ActiveUserAccount/{Id} Description: Activates a user account using the provided active code. Request Parameters: • Id (string): The active code for the user account. Response: • 200 OK: Indicates the account was successfully activated. • 400 Bad Request: Indicates validation errors. • 500 Internal Server Error: Indicates a server error. Example Request: POST Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>
- Login User Endpoint: POST /LoginUser Description: Authenticates a user and returns a JWT token if successful. Request Body: • Email (string): The email of the user. • Password (string): The password of the user. Response: • 200 OK: Returns login success information and JWT token. • 400 Bad Request: Indicates validation errors or inactive account. • 404 Not Found: Indicates the user was not found. Example Request: POST Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN> Content-Type: application/json { "Email": "[email protected]", "Password": "Password123!" }
- Edite user Password When User Is Login Endpoint: POST /ResetUserPassword Description: Authenticates a user and returns a JWT token if successful. Request Body: • UserName (string): The UserNameof the user. • Password (string): The password of the user. Response: • 200 OK: Returns ResetUserPassword success information and JWT token. • 400 Bad Request: Indicates validation errors or inactive account. • 404 Not Found: Indicates the user was not found. Example Request: POST Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN> Content-Type: application/json { "UserName": "UserName", "Password": "Password123!" }