- Check whether Array is sorted or not
- Calculating average in array
- Benford Law checker
- Celsius to Fahrenhiet converter
- Calculating CGPA out of 100
- Changing to Lower case
- Circle Calaculator
- Day of week calculator
- Simple encrypt and decrypt
- Calculating Factorial with for loop
- Simple Letter template
- To find double or triple spaces
- Simple greater or not checker
- Simple greetings
- Guess the number (project)
- Kilometers to meters converter
- Leap year or not finder
- Matrix add
- Find Minimum in array
- Multiplication Table
- Pattern programs
- Rectangle Calculator
- Recursion Programs
- Replace space with underscore program
- Reverse array
- Rock Papar Scissors (Project)
- Square of a number calculator
- Web url finder program
- BlueJ version is 4.2.2
- IntelliJ IDEA version: 2021.1
These are the basic java programs.
Project is created with:
To run this project, install :
Install Java JDK