This is an application which is inspiraded in the big software of online communication Slack. This app has the funtionality to create and login users who will can create workspaces, channels and send text or multimedia messages which are going to send through real time.
To install it you need to follow this steps:
First to all, getting in to the folder client, then install the dependencies running this command:
yarn install
Then, we can run it in development or production mode.
First, we need to put the server api on the .env.development file, like this for example:
And then run it!
yarn dev
First, we need to put the server api on the .env.production file, like this for example:
Only put the dns, not put any / or protocol like http or https. More info in src/apollo.js.
And then pass the jsx code to js!
yarn build
You can run it on python SimpleHTTPServer, apache2 or whatever... It's only a static web page.
First to all, getting in to the folder server, then install the dependecies running this command:
yarn install
Then, we can run it in development or production mode.
We need to have installed mysql, node and redis installed in your computer, if you have them, only change the config of the file src/models/index.js to your mysql user. For redis only check if the config from src/utils/pubsub.js is right.
Then create a folder called files:
mkdir src/files && chmod -R 777 src/files
If everything is done, run:
yarn start
We need to give all permissions to the bash file, like this:
chmod +x
Then run:
Being sure that the folder files is within the folder dist created by the command below.
yarn build
Then, you need to open the docker-compose.yml file and put in the variable SERVER_URL the host of you api, something like:
context: .
- files:/app/files
- db
- redis
command: ["./", "-t", "0", "db:3306", "--", "yarn", "prod"]
And run the docker-compose file!
sudo docker-compose up
To finish this, run the container that runs the server of nodejs, once inside, run:
// Using it on the docker node container of slack.
chmod -R 777 dist/files
Thanks for reading! Any question? Here you go: